Lorde Michaels

INTERNET, what have I done to deserve this travesty?

Papa John would never, ever, never, never, ever, never, ever, *muffled voice*
"oh really?
Forget I said anything.

Please notice my name was not attached to this "show".

add record producer to my obituary.

Puttin' on the FRIIIITZ!

That place rules!

*grabs notebook, furiously copies these ideas*

Biggest mistake I ever made was….not letting him do the KCF shredder ad sketch.

To be fair, they were at least married…

She better show boobies this time!

The problem isn't that he aggregates content, it's that he doesn't credit the original.

A lot of guys my age were into this video. On mute.

Can't be snarky or won't be snarky?

I'm imposing a strict 2 "Brian Fellows skits" ruling for this episode. And 3 "Uncle Jemima" pain pill commercials.

Classic Fred.

Phil. Hartman.

I can't take all the credit for Fred's great career…but I'm willing to try it anyway!

The scene in the Always Sunny Christmas special where a naked, sweaty and oiled up Frank comes splooshing out of that leather couch. His melted wax ass cheeks, the looks on everyone at the party's faces. Comic gold!

The entire Christmas Album from 1975!!

Is Tully still a thing? If so, I'll re-up with HBO if they promise a Curb Your Enthusiasm starring Tully in Larry David's role.