Lorde Michaels

Best thing about this album is that I use ADZ as a great Z option in Words With Friends.

This isn't a story about that lovable 80's comedy star!! I've been bamboozled!!

Then the Stones tried to do the same type of outfits on their next album.

With her bosoms.

I would totally watch a show like The Brink except with Kanye in the roll of a baffled vice president who meets with dignitaries and foreign leaders.

I hope the track listing for this can let me know which ones were inspired by a topless, scab covered Courtney Love and which ones were just strummed while a topless, scab covered Courtney Love nodded off into a heroin nap next to the bed where Kurt was strumming.

I'm looking for new writing talent for the upcoming fall season. You're hired!

The balls are as googly as the eyes!

This sounds like a tv movie. Good for you for maintaining the positive outlook!

Big Cock Dandy Mountain.

As an expectant father I'm very intrigued by your dad's actions. Do you know of any books you could suggest for me to read up on? I am not sure whether or not our child will be male or female (we are not finding out) but I think teaching boys that girls are equals is just as important.

Like a ghost, my stiffy shows up outta nowhere when Reese in on the tube.

Ha! I read it!

This article was pure GINGER!

Each foreplay session is my hope.

Are you me?

Why does no one remember Beverly's steamy shower scene from the Original? That alone makes it the best flick.

What, no mention of Christmas Vacation 2?
That movie is (you can fill in the blank mad libs style)

Snyder's Brainstorming Conclusion: "So, a drunk guy at a casino? "

[DACTED} it's the cooler than redacted hipster version.