Lorde Michaels

My heart has gone the way of Firestone Exploding Tires…..KABOOM!

You're right. She's a woman.

This video was too short.

Can't wait for his performance with Soundgarden on Bad Little Motor Finger.

It's kinda Dave's night, ya know. So if he wants Foo he gets Foo. I heard Zevon wasn't available.

If you would have gone with "Asston Fartin" I would have hired you on the spot to be a writer on SNL. You could have been the next Adam Sandler.

This just in…Water is wet.

Bruce Jenn-Nope, I can't do it in good conscience.

"Hern De Furn De"

"Hern De Furn De"

Nothing wrong per se but it's not terribly commercial. I quite dig it myself!

Be prepared to spend 5 years of your life down this particular rabbit hole.

I'm proud to say I own every album he's released on Compact Disc. You know you're a glutton for Neil when you own Are You Passionate, Greendale and Everybody's Rockin'.

Anyone who claims to be a fan of Neil Young should know he's unpredictable and does what he wants when he wants. If you go expecting a greatest hits set you will be disappointed. Which always strikes me as funny, one of the things that makes Neil great and interesting as an artist to this day is his sense of now and

You should have seen where she took it in dress…

His episode of WTF was great (awesome Springsteen stories) and I for one can't wait to get this entire album.

Then they must have sold a whole lot of these lately if these posts are to be believed!

Our Gang / The Three Stooges. Racist, sexist, backwards and stunting.
But I love them!

I wanna click this link just to see what an Alfa Romeo is.

Most Messed Up is amazing! C+ for sure!