Lorde Michaels

I still don't know how to feel about this album 2 days later. I keep waiting for Colin to start singing and he doesn't. The accordion and mandolin are strange and alien when I'm used to Rhett singing with the Old 97's cowpunk stuff. I'm scared. Hold me.

It can be the same idea by two different shows….months apart.

Signing on to act in this movie?

Came here for Shaq comic. Was disappointed.

Have tickets to see them here in KNEEBRASKA again in a few weeks. Will be my Lucky Number 7!

You spoiled the spoiler!

Hey, I have feelings too.

Daddy Likey.

I knew there were others out there. Cheers to you fritzoid!

This news breaks my heart bone.

Am I out of line in saying that I enjoy her?

As an avid King fan, maybe I should have phrased it this way. Is there a work of his you'd like to see done or maybe re-done? I'd love to see a film version of 11/22/1963 or a re-do of The Tommyknockers.

Personally, I do. But i know King poo poo's it. A poorly phrased question on my part.

Serious question time…Is there a good Stephen King film adaption? I've got high hopes for the new version of "IT". I remember being old enough to get in to see Dreamcatcher in the theater and that proved I wasn't old enough to know better.

I've been waiting to watch the entire run of Cop Rock.

If you want someone to stop filling this with tea you can't say stop, or whoa or that's good. They will only stop with an impersonation of Yoko's singing voice. Sadly, these are rendered single use cups…

This news had me yelling "CUT. IT. OUT!"

She broke my man Ryan Adams' heart.
She deserves to be locked in a cage at the bottom of the ocean.

I showed up for Sophia Petrillo. I DEMAND satisfaction!

So…Not the Rocketeer?