Lorde Michaels


"I'm not saying it was Aliens……..but it was Aliens" meme guy is creaming just reading these comments. Finally we have something in common!

I miss Norm. Sure, he was testy and did what he wanted but his joke delivery was comedy gold!

An Armenian from Tanzania.

No Taran. Don't go. I NEED you!!!!!

"Okay everyone. One hour to The Runway. Make it work!"

He's cut more than an Emo teenager!

He said he was sorry. During a speech after a roast on Comedy Central. So, it has to be true.

If you'll look real close you'll notice you're mistaken.

"Just Kids" is a real laugh riot.

Drake is wishing he coulda traded places with Nelly fo sho!

Bet ODB wishes he was still alive!

Basically the Kardashian show then?

Yeah, there's some more room in there.

They got this all wrong.

I thought you said fun?

They should arrest the entire cast because they stole my heart!

I look like a WASP

Bran is never pointless. It's helps old people like me shit.

Isn't it weird thinking about your sister watching all those dirty sex scenes and stuff? Like, can you even discuss it? Thankfully my sister's aren't into this show.