Lord Dudley

I am sorry this bizarre conspiracy keeps hurting the Rich family. Obviously, the continued existence of Anthony Wiener shows the Clintons don't have peopled killed.

And he is great in "Vicious" (almost wrote Viscous).

Billy Bush? Omarosa?

If only Logo would air The Carol Burnett Show instead of Mama's Family…

Cool story! (Seriously)

Hopefully the adult diapers will cover that.

Still sounds better than the Tim Allen/Kirstie Alley Amish movie.

Did the ghost of Flo Ziegfeld haunt it?

There's still room for a Vin Scully imitation, right?

Eh, I wouldn't go that far.

I think he invented the word 'surety', right?

A drag queen in a bar gave me a Barbra Streisand concert box set for answering a trivia question correctly.

No article on Dina Merrill?

Just came to post this, was not disappointed. " To Janice, Best Wishes, Roger Moore"

It was the first one I saw in a movie theater, so it's my favorite.

I was in a hurry.

"Did poor Debbie Reynolds have a nervous breakdown?"—Edna Turnblad

Of course they understand Trump better than he does himself. Self-awareness is one of many qualities he lacks.

Brett Somers?
