Lord Dudley

A five-year-old playing dress-up?

Pork Chop!

Co-sign everything. (6) everyone's Club Kid looks were great—except Alexis and Nina. Alexis's "look" was just a body suit, corset, and half-assed make-up. Nina's was nothing we hadn't seen before.

I thought she wasn't made up under the veil. But obviously that wasn't it.

Delia said the same thing below (edit).

Alexis looked like shit on the runway two weeks in a row. Not doing enough painting both times is just dumb/lazy.

Which is why I don't see them bringing her back (this season). It's a little late in the season for it.


And she did a decent Kris Jenner—not that big an achievement.

Alexis is middling (and that's being generous). Peppermint is coming along nicely and had one of the best lip syncs in recent history.

Only if your name is a reference to Zach Morris (or is he a Zack?).

Big talk from someone with the worst name ever.

You're more diplomatic than I am.

And Trump and Lieberman both have a deep-seated animosity towards Obama, can't even think of why that may be…

Next to Vertigo, I would put The Philadelphia Story, Destry Rides Again, Harvey, and After the Thin Man.

Eh, Billo just wants to put his name on another one of those "Killing ____" books they churn out.

Opulence! You own everything!

Hens love roosters, geese love ganders. Everyone else loves Ned Flanders!

He did kiss Dorothy in a special episode.

Maybe Last Man Standing can donate their Emmy campaign money (ha!) to one of those shady pregnancy crisis centers.