Lord Dudley

Along with uniqueness, nerve, and talent.

Sometimes as Crystal Allen in The Women she's really brassy.

I think the actual dancer (Heather…) from Glee will win. Charo will be the sentimental favorite.

Replace "genetically" with "surgically."

I'm binging TCM's Robert Osborne tributes/re-runs of his interviews.

Sorry, posted my reply at the same time.

I thought it was invented at the Buena Vista cafe in San Francisco.

Call Mr. Plow!

He ain't got no legs!

"Hehe, where's the beef?"

And where are these Blossom re-runs being aired?

That minivan had the biggest cup holders. And change slots for every coin. From penny to quarter.

Same with Robert Osborne (RIP).

Is that about the mini van he rented?

Faxed? Is this 1992?

She's nothing like Skippy OR Daphne!

Perhaps he doesn't want to be the JUNIOR senator from California?

Sign the Change.org petition to bring it back! I'm awaiting a White House response.

Boo! Hiss!

Not obscure to me. Anne Meara was in that episode, as Amos's sister?