Lord Dudley

I first read that as Oz, the HBO show and got excited.

See Sallie? I'll be dating her in ten years.

The Patty Duke Show and Veronica Mars!

I would also object to using "oops" in the description of Anna Karenina, since she very deliberately jumped in front of the train.

George W Bush?

Building anticipation, eh?

Thank you! I had a long-time dislike of Tom Hanks, and felt he didn't deserve a second Oscar at all. (I'm getting over the dislike because he seems like such a good guy, and Bridge of Spies was prett good).

Speak for yourself! 227 forever!

She was on "Skating With The 'Stars'"!

That Mr, Boswell!

Memo to Goldie Hawn: Cheerleading tryouts were thirty years ago. Let's grow up, shall we?

Hosted by Donald Trump? Boo! Hiss!

Welsh, even more so.

I'm always getting them confused.

And Emma Thompson! But that's it! Most of the other stories are creepy/weird.

Mr. Magoo! It has charming songs and great acting.

Hey! She lost her husband!

Rodney Allen Rippy?

After The Thin Man—set at New Years Eve. The first is set at Xmas.

The ones in the photos look kind of like mega-churches.