Lord Dudley

A holy observance of the birth of Santa.

He's a jinx!

Did they mean to use the same picture for this story and the review of Sebastian Bach's memoir?

That's a good one. My favorite performance of his was as a good guy in Double Indemnity.

Buddy Hinton definitely did.

Same with The Beverly Hillbillies.

The one set in the salon sounds awfully similar to the Batman episode with Minerva (Zsa Zsa Gabor) hypnotizing Gotham's millionaires.

I saw it in the theater, and they had an intermission.

Or Frankenstein! Or Swing Kids!

My favorite Kirk Douglas movie is Out of the Past with Robert Mitchum. Mitchum's the good guy and Douglas is the villain. Notable mentions—The Bad and the Beautiful, Detective Story.

Esp Seasons 1&2 of VM for me.

Confession: I like Gwen Stefani's ungrammatical Rich Girl.

Which is a god, and which is a monster?

Not if you're Tila Tequila.

They would be an awesome double bill. This would have been around the time Tina left Ike.

I remember the Charlie's Angels disco episode. Jill was a dance instructor and Sabrina a wealthy, awkward woman who the angels used as bait for a blackmail scheme.

Wow, I would have pegged the show as more of a trend follower than setter,

Elisha Cook, Jr.! From The Maltese Falcon and Rosemary's Baby. I'm guessing the chimp was to catch the BJ & the Bear chimpanzee craze sweeping the nation.

Ha! Took me a second.

I doubt she wrote it, but am pleasantly surprised. I wonder if it will take her out of consideration for Veterans Affairs or Interior.