Lord Dudley

Stubby Kaye was the best part of Guys and Dolls.

You could plug your book here…

Queen of Outer Space, starring Zsa Zsa Gabor.

Upvote for your name.

I thought that was Paula Abdul?

Well, Camus can do, but Sartre is smarter!

She was a big star for a minute—GI Jane, that stripper movie with Burt Reynolds, the soft-core version of The Scarlett Letter…

I'm still waiting for the sequel where they go into outer space.

Thanks for the explanation!

Gosh I remember that show. I had a $6 Million "action figure/doll." You'd look through the back of his head for bionic vision. And you could remove some of his bionic parts. He even met Bigfoot! You don't get more '70's than that! But, I preferred The Bionic Woman, mostly because Lindsey Wagner was more fabulous.

Poor Princess Kashmir seems to have come down in the world.

Was IMDB thinking of Julia Sweeney?

Maybe they were thinking of a fan fiction version of "Hamlet," titled "Hamlet & Horatio: the College Years" about their wacky hijinks in Wittenberg. That ended in a double stabbing.

Saved the US auto industry.

I also recommend Mt. Rushmore (and watching North by Northwest before going).

I don't get the SJP hate either. She was very charming on WTF recently.

I did not know this existed! Remember the Night is one of my favorite Xmas classic films.

Sadly Heathers now seems like a period piece. By which I mean, god I'm old!

Stephen Fry is a HUGE step up from Chevy Chase, although I have a soft spot for Foul Play.

If you do get Babs, please ask about What's Up, Doc?