Jason C.

4 of those 5 games are beyond deserving of Game of the Year. One of the games, however, does not, and I’m pretty sure we all know what game that is.

Don’t forget, Mike, that BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle is also bringing in characters from Rooster Teeth’s RWBY and Persona!

Umm... the Switch is $300. A normal PS4 retails for $300 as well, so... not cheaper already. The PlayStation Vita still retails for $200, so... definitely not cheaper than a Switch.

There are a couple reasons to buy this. 1) It’s DOOM, a great and fast-paced action gun packed with lots of things to do. 2) It’s now portable. Who would have thought in such a short time that this new DOOM would be available to play anywhere at any time? I mean, Nintendo games on the go make sense, but playing

Why are you talking about daycare when we’re talking about preschool and kindergarten?

Umm... Mario games are infamous for having very difficult final levels. It’s a challenge, specially for the better players. The people who usually get to that point are invested and have played a lot of the game, so it’s expected that you can possibly clear it. If you can’t, you just keep practicing and try again.

You don’t? I have tons of memories from my pre-K years. A couple of my best friends were created during that time period, and we are still friends to this day. My son has bonded deeply with some of the kids in his kindergarten, and he’ll be continuing these relationships as they transition to elementary school next

Or you could collect a thought before sharing something stupid. Kindergartens don’t “raise” your kids. They educate them. Of the 168 hours in the week, less than 25 is spent at the kindergarten.

I’m aware that certain areas cater more to those with kids because they want more families, but Hachioji is not struggling in this department. Problem is that there are zero public kindergartens in our area, but the elementary school is quite literally 2 minutes from our apartment. Once both of our kids go there,

We have a similar one. We pay for a parking spot, and we don’t even have a car. haha

Whoa, whoa, whoa! I don’t know what kindergartens you have your kids going to in Tokyo, but they are a HELL of a lot more than $200 a month. haha. Granted, international schools are significantly more a month, but boy o’ boy, have I have the financial pain sending my kids to kindergarten here.

Yeah. Ours is roughly in the same range, and we live on the west side of Tokyo. I had to pay the equivalent of $1200 recently to enroll my daughter. Payments will begin in April. haha. And even better, this school charges $50 a month for air conditioning.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! How much are you paying??? I mean, is that a seriously cost for half a day???

Here in Japan, private pre-schools and kindergartens are great! Unfortunately, most areas don’t have public schools for this age group, but for a society that is quite rigid, these private schools are GREAT for adjusting your child for the upcoming elementary school push.

Oh, boy. I just paid for my daughter’s kindergarten entrance fee here in Hachioji, Tokyo, and wow. Do I understand what this guy did. haha. So much money just disappears for your kid to attend the school, not counting the amount you’ll end up paying each month after they start.

I was afraid of this. I mean, it’s what we get when we demand more and more power so quickly. Sony had this problem at the start of the PS3 as well. I remember how boldly they talked about the PS3 being such a massive upgrade, and starting consoles had a hard drive of 20GB. That could barely hold anything at that

Oh, wow. A mismatch isn’t even the right word, Brian. That is just awful. I mean, I’m aware that there are people out there that their voices don’t match their appearance (*cough* Mike Tyson *cough*), but when you are creating something, you have the OPTION to choose the voice of your character... and they chose this?

The greatest thing to ever grace gaming. It’s... beautiful!

I was 100% for this Mario, until I unlocked...

My son keeps getting mad, because I won’t change the underpants. I just keep changing the hats. haha. When he saw I paid 1000 coins for the underpants, he was floored. He thought I committed a sin or something.