A... ROCKSTAR GAME... ON A NINTENDO CONSOLE?! When... wha... huh?!
A... ROCKSTAR GAME... ON A NINTENDO CONSOLE?! When... wha... huh?!
I’m right there with you, my friend. I win in arcades often. I even won a Playstation Vita in Akihabara on ¥200. My local arcade in Hachioji keeps telling me to walk away from certain machines so they can adjust them, since I’m winning too much.
I think one of the biggest problems in Salmon Run is that people want to get SO many of the golden eggs, as much as they possibly can. Individuals will do this when 1) it’s not necessary and 2) it puts them in horrible danger. While getting golden eggs, it’s important that there’s at least one other person with you so…
I love that everyone who commented assumed my pay grade must be low, when in reality, I’m the highest level on Salmon Run and currently have a 190% pay grade. I’ve gotten it to nearly 300% before.
The problem with what you said is “I can hold my own online”. Salmon Run is not about “holding your own”. It’s about “holding each other”. If you’re team is looking out for each other, as they should be, Salmon Run is not very difficult. Sure, it can get chaotic at times, but nothing impossible as long as people are…
Yes, easy. I play the Japanese version, and my paygrade is 190% right now (たつじん). Maybe my online teammates are just much more coordinated, but I’ve rarely had problems with Salmon Run. If my team failed, it’s usually because someone was AFK or they just weren’t doing their job.
I love horde modes, and Salmon Run,…
It is a great post, because it helps educate a wider audience about this. I didn’t know what Good Smile was, so this post introduced me to both it and some things to look out for with figures.
With the internet, it’s easy to just pull out my phone and look online for the original figure and box artwork to compare. I just didn’t even know the differences were so extreme, honestly.
Wow! This is a great post, Brian. My friend Hiro was actually trying to educate me about this exact thing about 7 years ago in Akihabara. To this day, I still wasn’t really able to see what he was pointing out, but boy, did you make it clear as day.
Umm... that’s not really what’s being said. Hiroyuki Takahashi said, “Mr. Miyamoto said he didn’t even want to see their girlfriends.” That means that they EXIST, but Miyamoto doesn’t want to see them.
Although Salmon Run is rather easy, it’s a ton of fun! I especially love the combination of when the water rises, it gets dark out, and then that creepy music starts playing before the swarm of salmon and Super Saiyans come charging at you. Of all the round-types, that’s the one that gets my adrenaline pumping the…
Umm... Breath of the Wild and Splatoon 2 have sold near-equal amounts in Japan.
Please don’t blanket statement like that. “All Christians” are not like that. “All religions” aren’t either. It’s like saying “All Atheists are assholes”. Why make such negative blanket statements about things you obviously don’t fully understand?
I’m from South Carolina, and I have seen way too often how much that stupid flag fuels racism and tension.
I don’t think waiting would have helped at all. I mean, people were already getting super-pissed at the delays that No Man’s Sky had. If it had delayed a whole extra year, the angry online game mob would have lost their collective minds.
It was very sad, but truly, it was the best online experience I ever had. Nothing comes even close to it. I mean, I’ve met some awesome people playing online, but the bond I created with Chris and Kevin was just just magical. It’ll be something I cherish forever.
It was hard remembering it for this post, because it was so emotional. Especially towards the end, we had no idea how much more we could play with him, so it only made playing with him more difficult.
One of my favorite online experiences was meeting 2 guys on Xbox LIVE when Halo 3 initially came out. We just randomly got hooked up in a team match online and all chatted. It was me, a 25-year-old from South Carolina, a 23-year-old Canadian, and a 12-year-old from Texas.
Great post, man! I knew some of those, but wow. That was a great breakdown of translation differences in Mega Man games. Kotaku should do one on just Mega Man alone.
You must be REALLY annoyed at the iPhone’s 15 different revisions and models in 10 years. That’s more than one new model a year!