Jason C.

That was precisely my point. It’s a pretty fun, average game with some flaws, but overall, it was anything but a “trainwreck”. I mean, calling it a “trainwreck” puts it in the same league as Superman 64, and who can honestly say that Superman 64 and MN9 belong on the same boat? That’s just nonsense. haha

What did you expect?

I am PUMPED for Bomberman. It’s just such a fun party game. Thank you, Switch. I mean, Nintendo.

Why are people getting so pissy about the presentation? I thought it was great! Really, though. What did you all expect?

I was thinking the exact same thing. When she even stated, “Looks like the message didn’t quite get through,” I was thinking, “Uhh... why didn’t it shut off the console 60 minutes ago??”

I understand you, because I backed it at $99. The Kickstarter campaign left a really bad taste in my mouth, so that disdain is more towards their poor campaigning, broken promises, and just plain bad management of the project.

But that’s precisely the point. You actually used the word “mediocity” towards the end of your post, and that was mostly where I was going. People continue to say that MN9 is a “trainwreck”, “the worst game of 2016", “one of the worst gams ever”, “Keiji Inafune’s demise”, etc, but in reality, it was just an average

Mighty No. 9 is still a fun game. I don’t think it’s quite the “trainwreck” people make it out to be. Sure, the Kickstarter stuff was bad, but the game itself is good fun, especially if it’s a genre you enjoy.

At least PPAP was catchy. There is nothing about this Orange Juice song that even clicks. It’s not a good song, it’s not funny, and it doesn’t flow well. It’s just terrible.

That was actually quite terrible.

I think you might be confusing charisma for talent. Rousey may have seemed charismatic when she became the most popular woman in the UFC, but in reality, she was just the best from a group of far-less talented women. The harsh reality for her now is that she’s not the most badass woman in the UFC anymore. The

I’ll disagree with you on the charismatic part. She really isn’t. Sure, she’s gotten better since she has become popular, but she’s still quite stiff and she’s very bland when she’s speaking.

So what are you calling “bullshit” exactly?

I think you’re right to an extent. The women’s division just needs more believable monsters, and Rousey can definitely serve as a believable monster. However, I’m not sure Stephanie/HHH will be willing to throw down the money she might be asking for after back-to-back losses.

I want to believe that, but I think Rousey has lost a lot of what made her big. Her loss to Holm really hurt, but she still had that “it” factor and didn’t seem like it skipped a beat. It actually felt like the Holm fight humanized her, but she still had that badass aura about her.

I’d like to counter this a bit. Sure, it’s a tired, old trope that doesn’t belong in modern society, and it can seem demeaning for women to play today.

I notice he’s avoiding the cat powerups like the plague. haha. Wonder why exactly?

My friend, don’t you dare be sour! I read your entire post, and I feeeeeeeeeel the powaaaaaaaah! hehe. Sorry. It was too easy.

But I think that factor about the Young Bucks is what sets them apart. The Revival is stellar, as we’ve both mentioned, but the one area that they aren’t great at is where the Young Bucks shine like the sun.

And all you were talking about how bad Mighty No. 9's campaign was.