Jason C.

Seriously, though, Hyper Light Drifter is fantastic. I’m continuing my New Game+ right now to try and find all of the secrets, and it’s a blast! I haven’t had this much fun exploring in ages.

Riley, I’m confused. You played for 15 hours, cleared 3 out of 4 areas, and only beat one boss??? I’ve played for 14 hours, beat all 8 bosses, cleared all the areas... TWICE. Are we playing the same game?

I just wrote a Hyper Light Drifter review for TAY, but how do I tag it correctly? I keep forgetting, since I only post like once every 3 months or so. haha.

Yeah. Landon and I try to meet up every time he’s here visiting. It’s always a mission to find some Mega Man paraphernalia somewhere in Akiba that we haven’t seen before.

Way to go, WWE, for solidifying the Wyatts burial. It was already obvious when you took Bray out of the WrestleMania card, taking him out of the feud with Brock Lesnar that could have been awesome. Then you have him come out and threaten the Rock, have Rowan beat in 6 seconds, have Bray get wrecked by Cena (AGAIN),

You mean WrestleMiinia! Rumor has it that John Miina is going to be there, but he’s always saying, “You can’t see Mii!”

I literally just commented the same thing. It is AWESOME. Awesome boss fights and stunning environments, for sure.

Don’t forget that Hyper Light Drifter snuck into the March releases too, and it is BAD ASS. Boss fights are tough as nails, environments are gorgeous, and controls are about as tight as they can get. I can’t stop playing it. I haven’t gamed on my PC in months, and HLD has clocking hours back in Steam.

I guess if you become the head of Disco University, you can be Dean of Disco.

Hahahaha. I meant on a much deeper level, obviously.

Oh, my goodness! My Queen! My apologies. I hope all in the Disco Kingdom is blessing you beyond measure. I have danced the night away and have been staying alive to the best of my ability. All for you, my Queen.

I’ve been Lord Disco for years, my friend. The Duke of Disco is my younger brother. He’s well-accomplished, but not appreciated by the Queen of Disco like I am.

It’s on Android as well.

In some sense, it’s pretty true. The questions are so simple and direct, they tend to be questions that we forget to ask our friends. One question I got a couple days ago was, “What’s something you do to have a good day?” I was like, “Wow. That’s an interesting question”, so I answered it, “Get about 8 hours of sleep,

GBD! You live in Japan? Or are you visiting? Why haven’t we hung out? ;)

I honestly love this! It’s basically a silly social site, in some ways. My notifications are simply, “So-and-so commented on your answer” or “So-and-so hearted your answer”. In that sense, it feels like Facebook or so, but dressing your Mii and answering questions truly gives personality to your avatar and that is

God, I want to play Hyper Light Drifter SO bad, but I opted for the PS4/Vita crossplay package. I assumed they were all releasing at the same time, so the news of PC getting it months beforehand was upsetting. Despite, I’m still super-pumped! But I just have to wait a little more.

I actually got it recently here in Tokyo, since it was really cheap at the store ($30-ish), and I tried to play an online game today. It couldn’t even find enough people to start a game. I have yet to play an online match. haha. I guess it’s private matches and training only for me.

No offense to Hayter, but Jack Bauer did a better Snake in MGSV than Hayter did in all of the others combined.

I do too, but the stuff they are doing in this video is like Trials HD kind of stunts. I couldn’t do any of that if my life depended on it. haha