@Ron-Mexic0: Wow, how can a dial-up connection even facilitate real-time multiplayer?
@Ron-Mexic0: Wow, how can a dial-up connection even facilitate real-time multiplayer?
@cPTcAPSLOCK: heh, I specifically said that today in Physics class, that we should celebrate Tau day on June 28th instead.
@Interstella5555: nah, because scientology claims to be science, which is why it parodies and mocks it at best, and creates a false image of it at worst.
If the difference is super slight, then is the are they still compatible with the standard 3.5mm headphones?
@Dexomega: huh? How so.
I created 1000 MS points by mindlessly typing things into the Bing search bar for two minutes every night, never mind that I never use IE except for that
@Monty: heh, I can plug a mouse into my Archos 101 tablet (smaller, thinner, and lighter than the first gen iPad, mind you) and have it work right away.
@MifuneT: Amen. My Samsung 19-pin annoys the crap out of me
@Mark 2000: They're trying to find homes for every single animal in the shelter. It's a hard decision, and probably immoral, but that's how it is.
eh, I actually liked it, clearly I'm in the minority.
Remember, children. to make sure you and our date are (Turing) tested before going that extra mile.
@pranthin8or: That's pretty darn cool, actually.
Yep, I was one of those who looked for the knife with the most features, regardless of the fact that I never used any of them.
@Silence04: And if you think I am so naïve, then you are mistaken.
@Philip.J.Fry: They are flying off the shelves. They've literally been completely out of stock since December. Whenever they come back in stock, they sell out again within a few days. It took a good deal of patience and daily checking to order it at retail price - that $300.
My Archos 101 has a 10" screen, 1GHz CPU, and 256MB RAM, virtually identical to the iPad. It only has 8GB of storage, but then, it also has a micro SD slot.
I'm surprised and impressed that the original mold still exists.
I just want prepaid data. Not "200MB for 30 days," 200MB that won't expire. If they did that I'd buy a dongle and keep it with my laptop for emergency connectivity, but if my "prepaid" data expires, then it's not worth it to me.