Lord_Data ∞

I'm on Verizon, cool!

@Moonshadow Kati aka Lady Locksmith: Same here, the dock is okay, but it's the 1GB of RAM and fingerprint scanner that interests me, it's sad that all VZW gets is the Bionic, I'd prefer it to be the other way around.

@Zgradis: Exactly why I didn't want a VZW iPhone, all the stress they relieve from ATT will get dumped to Verizon.

I have the 60GB Vertex 2 SSD, and it works great. Fantastic boot times, and I still have 30GB free after installing Win7 and a few apps.

@smcallah: One could argue that, yes.

@Sardegna: Probably, but not inevitable. The WSJ is a reputable source, yes, but it's technically still a rumor.

@pricekx: Yep, you caught me, I meant to say from.

I still hope this turns out to be a rumor, I don't want Verizon to get the iPhone.

@AwesomeTroll: Link to the paintball gatling gun, please.

@NorthernRoamer: No, infrared is not a false colour, but our eyes can't distinguish infrared. That's the point.

@countjackula: It doesn't work that way, sorry. It's literally electrifying the nerves, there is no factor there that can be tolerated.

@countjackula: Still, you can't become immune to electricity.

@espinha: If it was infrared, then we literally would not be able to see the image it took without false color.

@Gimmeslack: You're right, hardware isn't everything. That's why I said "Let's talk only about hardware, and leave the software flaws out entirely."

@Gimmeslack: This a copy and paste from a comment I made a few months ago: