I expected this from Motorola, but HTC?
I expected this from Motorola, but HTC?
Cool, my contract expires in February, so hopefully they'll be a cool Evo-esque VZQ phone with 4G by then.
honestly, if I got sent to prison, I think I'd *prefer* solitary.
Well, it would appear people want to know how this compares to teracopy...
-Opera Mobile 2010 (browser)
@Jackstick: They're almost certainly capacitive hard keys, unfortunately.
@InsidiousTuna: irc.irchighway.net, channel #whitenoise.
This showed up in the #whitenoise IRC earlier today.
@wjbean: ah, my bad.
@wjbean: This thing.
hmmm, 150 tons you say.
Great, just great.
mmm... that White Castle looks good.
@Unionhawk: You rang?
@Ashwin Mudigonda: No, but I was waiting for WinMo7, only to be disappointed when I realized it was destroyed in favor of WinPho7.
@schunniky: I won't tell you WP7 sucks, but I will say that you're probably better off with your HD2.
@Prawn_Star: If it's just updating numbers, then I'd imagine e-ink would work fine.
@the_smithers: Same here ( the Win+M) I use it all the time.
One thing I'm considering for my new laptop, since internal optical drives are so infrequently used, is replacing the internal HDD with a tiny (read: cheap) SSD and replacing the OD (using an adapter) with the original HDD, so I get space and
@Akio Morita: It's okay, you're among friends here.