I managed to get a similar trojan for Windows Mobile. It hid itself in a game, then dialed (or tried to dial, rather) several premium international numbers at 1 in the morning.
I managed to get a similar trojan for Windows Mobile. It hid itself in a game, then dialed (or tried to dial, rather) several premium international numbers at 1 in the morning.
@sbunny: I love "Pushing Daisies!" Though, admittedly, I haven't seen the whole show yet
@sbunny: Just because you're sbunny.
@tucker augie'ben'doggy: Clever, clever commenter.
Don't forget #haikusunday! (or #hearted!)
When I read the headline, I assumed it was about the ubiquitousness of bots on the various social and email sites.
You know, I never payed attention to the authors of articles before. If this is the kind of quality article you usually write/wrote, then I miss you already, Wilson.
Well, hello there, Valua Vitaly.
@Ridley: No, step four is "profit." Step 3 is "????"
@j3oomerang: As long as the bootloader isn't encrypted!
@RobotVampire: I know "Pro" usually refers to the +keyboard version of an existing phone. So it could be either the pro version of the Droid 2 or a keyboarded X.
@kayfouroh: Or even the source. That's been lifehacked now.
@orphic1: And what would be the cure for this be?
@Ozzie, The Last Hairbender: I'm pissed because the successor to Windows Mobile is less functional. How can you call it 7.0, when it lacks most of the features of its predecessor?
@Strider-No.9: It does look good. Please don't put WP7 on it.
This Changes Everything. (No pun intended)
Am I the only one who doesn't want an iPhone on Verizon?
I didn't read this article. I watch Eureka on Hulu, so I'm on the eight day delay. I haven't even seen part one of the crossover yet!