@Xerendian: +1 internets for you, good sir
@Xerendian: +1 internets for you, good sir
@mrgibblechip: Wait, what?
Let's hope the plane I'm taking to D.C. Thursday is part of the third that has wifi!
Good tips.
No, no. We can't have photonic processing yet, you skipped a step.
Crysis 3, anyone?
Well, while you're all here...
@clickmyface: Whoa, there. Talk about replying to old comments.
@mtfmuffins: The power to multitask, to copy/paste, to sideload, to customize, to run apps that exist for no other mobile OS, etc...
@braddobbs: Fair enough. I guess I fall in the minority that likes to treat their phone like a computer. For me, this transition is unfortunate, but I do see your point.
@JakeMG: Consequences Will Never Be The Same!!!: Have you considered Chromium?
I think the interface looks wonderful, and the windowless concept is something I can see working, however, I don't think I'll ever be able to embrace WP7, not until they release an emulator for Windows Mobile, at least.
You know what's funny? Even though it has a smaller, lower resolution screen and less RAM, my TI-84+S is more suitable as my "backup PDA" than my Palm m100. I can use a USB port to interface, and put a calendar, notepad, games etc... makes it more useful.
@Geisrud: F'ing really?
Yes. That is exactly what happened.
1. Here's hoping, I would love to try Swype on a desktop, it should work well with a stylus.
EDIT: Nevermind. I'm an idiot.
That picture reminded me, anybody actually use the trackball shown? I'm considering switching to one.
@Rosa Golijan: Seriously? I knew you guys were related, I had no idea you shared a building. I thought all the Gawker blogs kind of worked alone.
So, uh, where can I download the original file? Out of curiosity.