Smart House was always one of my favorite Disney movies back when I was younger. I can't count the number of times I rented it. You know, back when video rental stores had purpose.
Smart House was always one of my favorite Disney movies back when I was younger. I can't count the number of times I rented it. You know, back when video rental stores had purpose.
Pretty good deal, for what the notebooks are.
Oh, man. I love this. Fix the problem of inferior signal by redefining the definition of "inferior."
Apparently my cell phone number is "a landline."
Nasa's Green Dart looks suspiciously like a sheet of paper with geometric shapes on it.
Jack's right, don't listen to the narration, it's terrible.
@Not sent from my iPad due to drowning in oil: No, but I did when I read your comment.
Good to know that ATI cards support 3D. I'd hate to get a (for the moment) inferior Nvidia in order to play Crysis 2 in 3D.
This is great, even for one who prefers WinMo. It's always nice to have options.
@FurySamurai72: Thank you for that. So if I sideload the .apk directly, Google can't wipe it?
@roninpenguin: I have an Omnia right now, they released an update that unlocked the GPS quite a while ago, actually.
@Dancing Milkcarton: No, no. I'm pretty sure poor hardware is also contributing to their downfall.
@roninpenguin: Meh, on on my WinMo, everytime I went to the menu to access the built in tethering option, a pop-up would tell me to "use VZW Access Manager," which was their app that costs $30 a month to tether.
Wow, Kat. With that headline, I honestly did not expect people to defend Android.
Excuse me sir, are you aware of the cruise ship on your roof?
@PoG: I have something stupid to say: Nice avatar, I bet you're one sexy lady.
Someone already did myth 8, but I'll give it a try.
@battra92: Well technically, I guess you are asking them to do more work.
@Gary_7vn: Just wait until you try styro-pack cookies...
Wait? There're two of them now?