@curtis07: Keep talking like that, and you'll never get any of Lifehacker's internet cookies.
@curtis07: Keep talking like that, and you'll never get any of Lifehacker's internet cookies.
You are too kind, Adam. I would have chosen an *ahem* different soundtrack for this weeks open thread. if you know what I mean...
@Super-fly: Yes, because after 5-13 minutes of use you'll have to power it down anyway, then you will no longer look cool.
Wait, how can they use 4G as a scapegoat? I assume it's the congestion caused from all the wireless streaming, not the wired data transfer, that's the problem. Wouldn't the introduction of 4G, which (I believe) operates on a different spectrum, in addition to the already existing 2 and 3G networks, relieve congestion?
Damn... and here I was making smug remarks to friends of mine that have AT&T, about how Verizon is better, because it still has unlimited data.
What I took from this...
Did someone say... #whitenoise?
@Lizard_King: *Sympathetic "ouch"*
Seriously? I mean, it's none of my business if you're going to stay in a tent for a month, but if you're going to be there that long, at least get a bigger, more comfortable tent. I mean, it's not like you're going to be carrying it on your back, or anything.
@Lizard_King: You consider yourself an "early adopter" because you have a Pre?
VOTE: Whatever Gawker uses.
Good, now do it with the Cryengine, and use exploding barrels.
@Matt0505: It is quite literally, an iPod Touch with a bigger screen and battery, and no camera. The rest of the specs are the same. So far as I know, Apple did the absolute minimum amount of work to get a functional tablet.
Obviously, this only prolongs natural lifespan, if your going to get cancer or get run over by a car, this won't help.
No "Here be Dragons" reference yet? For shame, Giz.
Wait a second... it isn't actually cooling anything, it just has an open back, you know, like a naked iPad does. So really, all this is is a frame that holds a stylus, which you decided you don't want. If you don't want a stylus, but want to keep it just as cool, just don't use this case, I really don't see the…
Admission: I scratched myself no less than four times... er, make that five times while reading this article.
Dammit! There's the chorus again, I only have thirty seconds left! Wait a second *turns off mp3 player* there that's better. I only needed one more minute anyway...
"No, Watson! Someone has stolen our tent!"