@Seshan: Whereas I love the fast food fries but can't stand that nasty hand-cut crap. To each their own, I guess.
Just so you know, you have to install "Coupon printer" software to get the Wendy's deal.
@tj: So I hear you like replies to old posts...
Good to have as an option... but no thank you.
Pshh... Give me Platinum and I might be interested.
Hopefully none here's reading from Vladivostok, Russia. This article was posted at 1 AM local time.
I was getting &asymp 8 Mbps max, then I rebooted my router and got 20+.
@jupiterthunder: Thirded.
Mind. Blown.
@emmatwofour: Sure, I'll be in D.C. this summer.
or: How I learned to Stop Worrying and love the Bill.
This is... actually pretty cool.
I don't wear a belt, but have terrible posture, is there no tip for me?