This one is my favourite ... the Kokoshnik Tiara
This one is my favourite ... the Kokoshnik Tiara
Definitely the news we need, but probably not the news we deserve (as an entire society. This couple if too good for this world.)
GOOD. As I said on another post. This is lovely and nice and we all NEED THIS.
I mean, he might as well. Denying reality has been working pretty well for him so far. I’m sure he can convince his 35% of Americans that he never said it and it never happened and the video evidence is faked by the same people who did the moon landing.
Democrats get fired for being abusive perverts.
This is disgusting and ridiculous. He is literally doing this for two batshit, selfish, unpresidential reasons only:
“Safari Club International is an international trophy hunting organization that lobbies to get various species “delisted” as endangered so that its members can hunt them.”
It’s a relief to know that “The Royals” already has next season in the can (and can hire a new showrunner after that). That show is a true guilty pleasure.
Meanwhile, one Trenton Garmin, a lawyer working for the Moores was just on with Ali Velshi & Stephanie Ruhle threatening to sue the Washington Post and other media outlets publushing the Moore exposes - on behalf of Mrs. Moore, because “as she’s not a public person” this is slanderous to HER. (But he’s really arguing…
What’s with the hair in this administration.
looks like a penis
I’m also fucking sick of this being framed as a MORAL issue when it’s CLEARLY A MEDICAL ISSUE. Comprehensive women’s health and all that.
I’m curious why all these kids have such dead, lifeless eyes.
I disagree about Bernie. Don’t underestimate how much Bernie has alienated key groups in the Democratic Party wing. He is very divisive, which is why he lost the first time.
I believe that the same article (or another similar one) spoke of (to me) a far more worrying development. Men following the “Mike Pence rule”: Never be alone with a woman; and do not attend gatherings with women where alcohol is served — either without one’s spouse (or at all).
The fact that FLOTUS’s official Twitter account has basic grammar mistakes which no one has bothered to correct is somehow the maggot infested cherry on this cruddy sundae
My genuine reaction every time I’m confronted with the fact Melania is FLOTUS:
“Man accused of sexual assault wishes women would stop reporting their experiences of sexual assault”. I am shocked.