

It really is upsetting. And if you try & point that out all they come back with is the same shit. As though someones legal/mental/etc. status makes them human or not. I hope these people remember how they treated those in need when they inevitably need help.

remember that they aren’t people, they are illegals! illegals aren’t human beings! therefore they don’t get the same rights as humans because they are illegals! illegals! ILLEGALS! demorats want 2 give my tax dollars to illegals! why can’t they just come here legally! it’s so easy! ILLEGALS!

Bella Hadid basically stole my nose and lips.

could you imagine republican outrage if Obama specifically bought a building with a 666 address partially because of the address?

as an olive skinned girl lemme just say this is one of my favorite colors to wear

Will she also coach the moms on how to make sure their daughter gets the right plastic surgery to catapult them to fame?

pretty much fuck you.

100%, when you consider how rape was used when people laid siege to castles, etc. It was the biggest fear of noble women all the way down to servants, not that they would be killed but that they would be raped. I think it’s a universal idea that if someone is an intruder looking to take they will “take” everything

idiots as far as the eye can see

If there is one semi, maybe, ok thing is that Comey’s number one priority is himself. He feels zero loyalty to trump and only cares about making sure he comes out at least somewhat okay


but imagine how incompetent you have to be to get fired from the trump white house...

HAHAHAHAH oh dear umbrella is annoying as shit

except if your whole schtick is fashion then maybe...you...should...ya know get dressed.

just going to be the person who says:

I’mma have to stop you at “i’m no rihanna fan”

That’s how I feel too and the position I have taken in conversations about it. She can profit off of her faux feminism to no end but can’t be a real feminist and condemn a misogynistic asswipe? fuck that noise...

god you’re just a twat aren’t you? You double down on condescension thinking it proves your point when it just doubles down on my eye roll towards you.

thanks for the warning about metaphors -really top notch teaching, definitely not at all unnecessary and condescending.