totally not just you, Ten Vogue is the mag to subscribe to if you want to be an informed citizen
totally not just you, Ten Vogue is the mag to subscribe to if you want to be an informed citizen
it’s amazing how much American Vogue is linked to growing up as a woman in this country. I think that’s why Teen Vogue is impressing me so much, they know the impact they have and the duty they have to their readers. It’s refreshing.
hahaha I mean I don’t disagree. But I think the path of American Vogue is pretty well correlated to the destruction of culture in this country and the acceptance of reality tv as culture. I don’t blame Anna for that, I do blame her for falling into the trap of being a part of it.
you do realize she was talking about Alexandra’s career at BV not Anna’s at American Vogue...right?
I have been railing about Casey Affleck’s nom so seeing Constance talk about it was a YES GIRL moment for me...
really awesome interview
I have nothing for contempt for these women.
if this isn’t a sign that we are about to enter a tacky gaudy age ala Bush administratin IDK what is
As I’ve always believed
it was more the word twat
well since it’s more like 26% of the country I think I’m okay with it but keep on thinking that half the country voted for DT...
lol starred cuz i spit out my coffee when i read this
It’s like i told my dad “don’t read the comments”
blahblahblah so we can get this out of here: poor white middle class, the real victims of this elections, the people who’s very existence is threatened by the president elect...
I mean...considering Alec’s brothers are conservative nutjobs (I SEE YOU STEPHEN) I’m pretty happy with him...besides, I think if Ireland has forgiven her dad for what happened in their relationship we can all move on. She’s fine.
Los Angeles!
dated a guy who was working on the re-organization of the company and let’s just say even without Dov it was a nightmare company to try and fix
I don’t think anyone over 80 should be in charge of cyber security
what’s worse is people like to use their moral judgement on birth control...cuz women are slutty sluts who are irresponsible and who should be forced to have a child as punishment.