
I’ve been trying to break the habit anytime I see it referred to as Obamacare but so far it looks a lot like that idiot up there

if we hold all government officials to the same standards that we hold college students and we could really cut out a lot of trumps cabinet and staff picks

and that teen girls are interested in way more than the tiny box they put them in...like young women think about more than boys, who’d have thought?!?

Teen Vogue is killing it and I am enjoying watching all the men be like “but women who like shoes can only write about shoes! herp derp”

I’ve read in most places that Trump will revert to the states regarding marijuana. That doesn’t mean anything but when you consider how many states legalized some form of marijuana (something like 26 + DC) you’ll see how the will to legalize marijuana is one of the more unifying issues of younger dems & reps.

bless this post and bless my lifestyle guru Princess RiRi for being real as fuckkkk

Kids have such a good intuition about people, good and bad. It says so much about how much kids love President Obama and how much he loves them-never trust a man who doesn’t like kids or animals.

Bless this woman for having the courage and conviction to make this choice. She could have just not volunteered to go but instead she saw what just associating with a choir that is performing for this man would mean. Even if performing is not political there is still a sense that those who perform tacitly support the

also not engaging, mean looks, an eyebrow raise works wonders. A dead stare to let people know I am not amused by them, basically I think how would Queen Elizabeth I act when people doubted her authority and channel that

Cutting comments always work. Like letting them know I don’t need their compliment to validate me really throws them off so when some guy comes up to me and goes “you’re really beautiful” I go “i know” and they usually run away. Also dressing extra is good, they don’t get it. Spiky accessories. Word play as makes them

This section really spoke to me too. I have always been classically attractive and (not to be that fucking girl that’s like boohoo) the shit people say to me is BEYOND. I put on the most spiky, bitchy, don’t fuck with me attitude to try and get it to go away. I’ve modeled my attitude after every bitchy movie

his computer runs windows 8...he’s just pissed minesweeper isn’t an actual battle strategy game

we gotta hope they both get wiped out. It’s all or nothing.

every day post election i was stoned. After work of course but it still counts.

24 hour news cycle will kill us all. thank god I deleted twitter off my phone, has saved me so much outrage and emotions.

Thank you.

Agreed. We are on the same page, high five

Let’s be real, the homeless crisis in this country is everyones problem. it reflects badly on the entire country. it’s not a CA specific problem.

Your inability to link people not trusting Clinton with her womanness shows me that you don’t get it either. Women are inherently held to higher standards then men, this has been proven time and time again. Trump has documented instances of being a horrible, untrustworthy person and he still won because Hillary is

AGREED. The Joe Biden could have won argument is so done for me. He wouldn’t have. He is likeable because he is a goofy dad type but he has serious problems in his political past. I’m tired of people saying “x man would have won over her!” Why do people think a man would have been able to defeat Trump, his rise was