Lord Burleigh

You know. My family is from way deep redneck south South Carolina.

Wow this is a boring and nonsensical hot take. Here are things you shouldn’t do to this person: SWAT her. Hurt her relatives. Actually harm her. Commit any crimes against her.

the stunts know no bounds? wow, those are some sapient stunts!


You know.

Read your own shit. Let’s be nice and say this was 7 days later.

I mean.............

Lmfao. bonus points for being exactually what queer theorists have always been called.

Cool dude.

Tell me why cica 25, when human brains solidify, isn’t better than 18 then.

Oh it’s only becoming parody because you assume they’re “co-eds.” Are you an actual idiot? In what world do you exist that women are “co” anything? Like, truly. That terminology is 70s porn, so, you know. Be better.

And when does that happen? For me, circa 10.

So when does “will” come into being? 13? 18? 25?

Oh it’s possibly that we give a fuck and don’t think there’s an age. Just out of curiosity, did 18 seem like a magical number?

If puberty is your thing than why is 12 better than 18?

Dude. It’s happening, however risible you find it.

What’s the difference between 10 and 12?

Cool man, but seriously. Why? I mean I get that point, but.


I’d ask you to re-read that and think about your sexuality at that time.