
I feel that way, but toward Papa John’s--used to be my favorite pizza as a kid, now just the thought of it makes me nauseated. Fortunately it turned out Papa John himself was a racist conservative dickwad so it wasn’t a difficult divorce.

As Salty points out, there are lots of teens that look like adults and lots of adults that look like teens, our own assumptions about age are not infallible.

Disagree. As someone who cannot sleep sitting up, taking the red-eye usually costs me an additional day on the end to get back into a normal sleep schedule. I avoid them whenever possible. Also, if for some reason, your flight is cancelled, typically, there isn’t a “next flight” for you to try to get on, until the

Thank you for this. I’m not sure why everyone is making fun of the guy. I think we should be encouraging people to be curious.

Ok, wow, a thread specifically created for my sort of pedantry (I have an astrophysics Ph.D.). Here we go.

I do this as well. Get a set in without any additional weights to make sure my form and ROM are in good standing and then add weight after. The 45# BB can also give me an idea if it’s going to be a good or bad session depending on how the reps feel.

I personally like to warm up to bench or squat with an empty bar - and I suspect i’m not alone in that regard - despite being capable of lifting significantly more.

Ironically these are probably best used when you’ve already got the cash. I’ll always choose to pay later and keep earning interest, plus it means I’ve got more cash on hand for other stuff if I need it.

Because his own record was under scrutiny and positive Obama associations are all he has to fall back on.

I like to sous vide root vegetables in fruit juice, THEN grill them

Make Sure You Didn’t Buy One of These Three Recalled Flavors of Ragú Pasta Sauce

Bartender here! I don’t give death stares, but I inwardly go “oh fucking shit goddamnit”.

It does give you the opportunity to make it your own though.  Ready to move in places can still be ugly.

Don’t do this unless you’re experienced with doing home maintenance and know a lot of good people for the various trades (plumbing, electrical, etc.). You would be surprised at some of the sketchy shit I’ve seen in houses. When my wife and I were looking at homes, the code violations were all over the damn place.

How many of them were doing the work themselves vs hiring contractors? 

Not Solo you’d freeze to death. 

Early on, Han Solo uses a lightsaber to cut open a Tauntaun...

so first of all, fuck you. Secondly, we’re talking 30 pounds over my supposed ideal weight. It used to be 70 pounds over my ideal weight.

Congratulations. That’s an impressive achievement no matter what the haters say. And yeah, don’t rush it. You might be able to do 300 in one of two weeks. But if you rush it, you might end up getting hurt.

That’s not really true... Most NRG restaurants predominantly feature sour beers. The Partisan, Churchkey, Rustico etc... Owen’s Ordinary in Bethesda as well.