
No, but the ten key has the advantage of accessible to all of my fingers. My thumb is big and slow and I fail at compensating. It aggravates me to hit the wrong button, so I prefer mice with only fewer, more well defined thumb buttons.

No, but the ten key has the advantage of accessible to all of my fingers. My thumb is big and slow and I fail at

I was going to post the Intellimouse Explorer up here, but this is a good enough throwback, and is definitely sturdier. All of my Intellimice are unfortunately dead. The G400 is still going, but the cable is in pretty bad shape.

I was going to post the Intellimouse Explorer up here, but this is a good enough throwback, and is definitely

Too many buttons for my feeble brain :(

Too many buttons for my feeble brain :(

Love mine enough that I picked up a second for work. Logitech missed the mark for a generation or two prior, but this one is on point.

Love mine enough that I picked up a second for work. Logitech missed the mark for a generation or two prior, but

And here I’d been thinking I was the only one practicing the art of the cool foot.

Came here to post the same question. This is why I haven’t mounted my monitors - every TV I ever mount is ever so slightly askew and it irritates me no end (even one on a entertainment center with a preinstalled mount.....). I would rage out if my monitors were crooked.

Enameled Cast Iron Dutch Oven

I must be the strange one, since rice cookers get a lot of love on here. I have never personally felt a need for one. I suspect if I had an electric stove I would change my tune though.

Indeed. I swear by my Stainless Steel mixing bowl set. It’s the one thing I insisted on having after my time working in restaurants. Easy to handle, easy to clean, unbreakable.

You mean the internet there actually works at other times? Never had that experience myself.

Yeah...No. Certainly not the BEST way, in anything other than a fringe case (of insanity?). Bagel prep is now a 10 minute process and eating it would require a mop to clean up. Additionally, not everyone wants a pound of cream cheese per bagel, so even for people with time and maids it is unlikely a good solution.

I think they’re very hit or miss. At least some people I trust swear by them. They do nothing for me other than be annoying. See if you can find a pair and try for yourself before you drop money on them.

I think they’re very hit or miss. At least some people I trust swear by them. They do nothing for me other than be

Nah. That was with 0 down. The main factor is that this was near the top of the bubble, so lenders would throw half a mill to anyone and everyone (maybe that had to do with something?). Thankfully I was able to realize that 50% of my income to mortgage was excessive and waited

Holy interest rates Batman. What year did they make that chart? If those are the best rates you can get currently, the answer is “Don’t buy a house”. That being said, definitely don’t pay more than you can afford, and don’t let the banks tell you what you can afford. Back when I was making $40,000, I was preapproved

Giant screen setup. teeny weenie keyboard.

It’s a surprisingly easy project with how much stores charge for poker tables. Good guide too. Built mine casino style a few years back, but with folding legs so I can get it out of the way quickly. Only took a few hours, most of which was letting the coats of poly dry. The octagon method takes away the hardest part

I don’t feel that “housecleaning” and the like should be categorized as maintenence. And everything else can easily be done without hiring them out. The costs are definitely more than on a rental, but they can be limited. Appliance replacement, roofing, plumbing, etc....not as much. But if they are including property

This is an interesting idea. When I first read the article I nearly dismissed it, but I think I will certainly need to give it ago. I’m not convinced my brain will process it - I don’t deal well with multiple input streams, but that may be due to differences. If its two inputs of the same thing....

DC Metro should be set up for Verizon underground. At least they spent tons of money and hyped it up a while back. I don’t have verizon, so if they shut it off or something, I wouldn’t know.

The peril is too perilous