Lord Andre

Wow, Pee Tree Fartin got shanked harder than Drake.

I highly recommend watching Lindsay Ellis’s 2 part video in which she rounds up a selection of 9/11 pop culture made at different times and in different parts of the world, from United 93 to a TV movie about Bush and Cheney, to South Park and a Bollywood movie about a mentally challenged Muslim man facing persecution

See also every article that mentions The Last Jedi.

This is the crossover event we were all hoping for.

SpaceCop, you magnificent bastard! I read your book!

This is clearly a homage to American Psycho’s chapters on Huey Lewis and Phil Collins.

This sounds so bad that I’m wondering whether Seth MacFarlane is actually trying to get Fox to fire him and this is going to end up backfiring in a Mel Brooks Producers-style kerfuffle, only with less actual comedy

I haven’t read his work on Providence, but I was genuinely impressed, and rattled, by his work on Crossed.

Saw Green Room as part of the London Film Festival with an unsuspecting crowd, mostly due to how impressed I was with Blue Ruin and keen to see Patrick Stewart as a Neo-Nazi. Still remains one of the most exhilarating experiences I’ve had in a cinema. You could hear the audience groan with tension and dread just as

Wow, Sam Beckett was the first Poochie

Yeah, The Good Place is so ridiculously good. It also seems to have the air of a show that doesn’t want to outstay its welcome and is just going full tilt with everything. I will miss it when it wraps up, but also glad that it made the most of its brief time with us.

I rewatched the series too recently, and I couldn’t get over the number of times somebody pulled out a gun in that bar.

sorry, i guess this is a real “earth to brint/ earth to meekus” situation

neither did i, it was meant to be a sarcastic comment on the fact that they’ve both also been kicked off twitter and thus no longer able to share their opinions on the matter

yeah, that’s what i was trying to imply with my comment, i didn’t expect people to take it seriously

my comment was meant to be a joke about how they’re no longer on twitter either and so are unable to share their thoughts with anyone

Sure Season 10 isn’t great, but I will give a shout-out to “Roe To Perdition”, which is worth it just for the sight of Frasier and Niles desperately cramming their mouths with Beluga.

I wonder what Milo Yiannopoulos and Alex Jones have to say about this?

I think my favourite thing about this fatality is the way Sub-Zero co-operates in his own murder by turning to face Scorpion and then assuming the T-Pose after his head has been chopped off.

come play with us, danny... forever... and ever... and ever...