Lord Andre

“He had an 11-year-old daughter.”

Actually, the elderly suicide rate is much higher in Asian cultures than in the West because a lot of old Asian people don’t want to be a burden on their families.

“Unless they were in fugue states and honestly did not know what they were doing, fuck them.”

He was like that bad boy uncle, the black sheep that would turn up at family gatherings on his motorbike and would sneak you your first taste of beer.

If you’re reading this then you probably know already, but just in case, everybody who hasn’t read Kitchen Confidential or A Cook’s Tour should get on it. The man was a gifted writer and not only able to communicate the flavours of the meals he ate, but also the sense of place and the vibe of those meals in a way that

“Bruce Willis in Die Hard types but sadder.”

I think that for the people going out of their way to harass her online, racism and sexism sadly play a part.

Wow I’ve never seen a person being a dick to so many people who essentially agree with them

....aaaaaaaand it’s been cancelled.

There’s something I find so watchable about Terriers. Maybe it’s the setting, or the chemistry between the cast, the perfect mix of episodic stories with an arc plot, or just the simple fact that there’s only one near perfect season in existence.

Agreed, Dern has been consistently excellent in everything she’s done and good lord does she have range.

My love for El-P mulplied after this article:

Then he’s back to the lab for some more full penetration. Smells crime. Back to the lab, full penetration. Crime. Penetration. Crime. Full penetration. Crime. Penetration. And this goes on and on and back and forth for 90 or so minutes until the movie just sort of ends.

I think a lot of this semantic argument stems from the fact that the word “racist” has become a catch all word to cover all forms of racial discrimination. I had a similar discussion about how racism is such a powerful all encompassing concept compared to something like bigotry which has kind of fallen out of use as a

Sure shou-shou-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shoo-shuh-shu-sh-sh-sh-shu-shuh-sh-shoo-sh-sh-sh-shou-shuh

Season 4 has its failings (I am not a fan of the whole Real Asia Prison Housewives storyline at all) but I think the painful sequence in which Michael votes himself out of the dorm room is one of the funniest things that the show has ever done. In fact, the gradual deterioration of Michael and George Michael’s

But why do that when Under The Skin already exists?

First of all, Science Fiction has never been about imagining a world without problems. Science Fiction has always been about using fantastical scientific concepts to tell a story about the times we live in now. Even utopian science fiction shows like Star Trek were written in response to the times, which is why

Without doubt the wackest, laziest, ratings grab episode they ever did.