Lord Andre

Playing Vyacheslav Molotov, no less! 

Jeez, calm down, Devin.

Just so you know, the Robbie Travers story is bullshit.

I’m just imagining Stephen King releasing a book called “Cancer” and I can’t stop laughing

Thanks for sharing your story.

The fact that a gimmick account will take time to consider their posts and occasionally thinks, “Damn, that’s stupid” should be a moment of self-reflection for us all.

Yeah, the barbecue chicken was delicious rice

It’s funny how the people who think that Hollywood people should keep their opinions to themselves are always sharing this opinion with others on the internet.

I hope this doesn’t awaken anything in me...

Personally, I will always use Kim being attacked by a cougar on 24 as the gold standard of dead air on a show.

How long’s it been now?

Irony culture has now reached that point in every movie where a cop goes undercover to infiltrate a gang and forgets that they’re a cop.

Was anybody else reminded of Tom Stoppard’s “Arcadia” in the way the past and the present danced together, both literally and metaphorically in this episode? Really moving stuff.

God, I want PonyBoyMF to give the eulogy at my wake.

I have a feeling that this show is eventually going to deal with the inevitable clash between the the burgeoning porn and prostitution industry in Times Square and it’s clean up in the 90s, which also heralded in New York being reborn and remade into the gentrified tourist destination.

I thought Show Me A Hero was a wonderful example of how to do a show about big ideas and show how they impact people on an individual level. On the one hand you have the stories of Nick Wasicsko’s frustrated idealism as well as the conversion arc of Catherine Keener’s initially fervently anti-desegregation Yonkers

Randy Newman’s “In Germany Before The War”, because that would mean I was serial child-killer Peter Kurten. Similarly, I’m glad the film “M” is not about me either.

I don’t think that Sanders specifically goes after Clinton in his book though. In fact, from the sounds of it, his book is framed as a “what do we do now?”, whereas Clinton’s book seemed framed as a“what went wrong” in which she blames Sanders, Obama and Trump. I can definitely see that being a much more divisive

Chicken thighs are the best. I got myself a steamer/rice cooker, and I regularly steam the thighs over rice. I put a dash of sesame seed oil on the thighs and let it drip down into the rice where I’ve also mixed in some chopped garlic and ginger. Technically this isn’t a proper Hainanese Chicken Rice, but it’s pretty