Lorcan Nagle

I’ve only seen a couple of the episodes he was in - I gave up on Trek around 96 or so - but I was thinking it was him before the dialogue confirmed it and was not expecting Seven to shoot him.

Callisto throwing a knife to storm is a callback to their fight during the Morlocks’ first appearance in Uncanny X-Men 170 or so. She tosses the knife to Storm to intimidate her before they fight for leadership of the group, but Storm calmly grabs it out of the air.

It dates back to her 5th or maybe 6th appearance - it was the name her future self used in days of Future Past.

Both is probably worse, so that would be what they’d go for?

The ENH’s accent seemed to lurch between cod Irish and midlands UK, but yeah.

My prediction is that at the end of the series, Picard will return home to find Laris, Zhaban and Number One surrounded by a mountain of dead Romulans because they just kept on coming

It wasn’t everything, but a massive amount of the Trek prop, model and costume stock was indeed auctioned off. If you look at basically any article on Memory Alpha, it’ll note when and for how much a specific costume from an episode went for, the same for the shooting models and so on.

Yeah, I spotted (boom boom) them when I rewatched and was looking for them.  

Were they tone-deaf enough to do Huckelberry Finn?

Between Laris and O’Brien, I think it’s pretty clear we just need a Space Dublin to show up.

I liked the battle between the Enterprise and Scimitar as well, they actually put a bunch of thought into how the ships would actually fight, roll to present fresh shields and stuff like that. Maybe somebody played Star Fleet Battles or the old FASA starship combat simulator...

One of the news crew in episode 1 was a Trill, and apparently the woman Soji talked to in episode 2 was too(she mentioned attending a Trill university, but I couldn’t make out any spots against the colour of her skin after they mentioned it, but I will keep an eye out when I rewatch). The news crew also had a Tellarite

Lots of planets have an Ireland!

They did a Klingon undercover as a human in TOS first.

I’ll definitely take back some of the bad things I’ve said about Chinballs if he manages to stick the landing on the buildup this year.

Nemesis at lest tried to be something more than a middle TNG episode with high production values.  Insurrection was just mediocre.

Better is a relative term.  

There’s a line in The Drumhead that indicates Nora Satie had been rooting out the parasites from Starfleet Command before showing up on the Enterprise. And they come back in the post-finale DS9 novels (which are actually pretty good)

The gore actually got cut in repeats on UK/Irish TV, the scene just ends with Picard and Riker phasering Remmick the first time, and then cuts to the ship in orbit.  When you know the explosion and chestmonster are missing., the cut is blatant.

Yeah, fuckin’ Stargate fans.