
It's not just "muddled"... it makes no sense. 2% is "less than 99%". I'm sure what was MEANT was something like "just over 98% of our users don't hit the cap" etc. etc. Which effectively means that they're overcharging just over 98% of their users. How about taking that 250 gig, dividing it into the monthly rate, and

How about people make compelling software worth paying for, rather than ad-supported shovelware thta has to be "monetized". I love free apps and don't begrudge ads but notification bar ads would be an immediate uninstall. I'd want to have any apps using this technology to have a warning on it a-la cigarette packages,

Actually, you're a bit of an idiot. Actual actually, you're a lot of an idiot. I will quote you: "our SUPA DUPA AWESOME PRESIDENT who wants to dictate what does and doesn't get put on the Internet through the FCC and any other means he has available."

Controllers with touchscreens on them lets each player make choices and commit actions in secret from other players in the same room. Opens up the possibilities for various games like online poker with some players in one location (all sharing one screen, but having separate controllers) and other gamers at a

I'm surprised you survived long enough to learn how to type what with your mom and dad letting you choose your own meals (Ice Cream every meal every day!) from an unregulated food industry that doesn't handle the milk in a sanitary way nor care how toxic the ingredients are.

For everybody advocating FOR the freedom of these 'businesses' to operate a) how do you know they're not cheating: everything's electronic. They can do whatever they want with a change to a few bytes of code: If you want to play poker, get some real cards.

Half the reason why you have to provide all that security is to protect "american interests", if it wasn't in YOUR interests to do it, the American government simply wouldn't be doing it. Hence, Somalia, Sudan, Congo i.e. places without oil or white people and Serbia i.e. places with muslims and without oil) are

What do YOU mean, "you people!"?

Makes me think of "The Prisoner". Not sure how I feel about that.

I think there is some confusion about the term "meltdown". Prior to this incident, I thought it meant "the containment vessel melted down, and the raw nuclear material was giving off radiation and causing damage". But now I think it can also mean that the rods themselves (metal that gets hot) physicall "melt down"

It's as though "the music industry" was only from 1964 to 1985... which just isn't true.

When you find a religion that's all about the gay-spa-hookups, SIGN ME UP!

But charging outrageous fees for the auditing process is not something that is acceptable. The Roman Catholic church has "confession" that a service provided at no charge to believers. I would have a lot less contempt for Scientology if people of little or no financial means could participate fully, and those of

I think the most significant benefit is to travellers; I think it is customary that one doesn't incur data roaming fees when using BBM outside the coverage of one's primary carrier. That is my sister's highest praise: she travels a lot and can BBM her kids for "free" when travelling.

BBM is only a significant factor if ones contacts are ALSO on BB platform. I only have 2 my connected friends / family on RIM, so I still have to run MSN Messenger and Google Chat to keep in touch with everyone.

The problem is customers like you who demand "fresh out-of-season" foods be shipped thousands of kilometres. Try having a turnip, cabbage, a potato, and maybe hold off on the "fresh" peppers.

Nah, you need to humiliate the company, so other companies don't even attempt something so wasteful and idiotic.

NERD ALERT: What I think you wanted is a contraction of "we would have", which could be "we'd have" or "we would've" or, yes, even "we'd've". I don't think by the use of "we'd of" you REALLY meant "we would of". With this comes the requisite "if English is not your first language, I acknowledge that your English

I had a haunted copy of this book... I had a very odd "time loss" where I lost a half hour. I looked at the clock, read a bit more, and looked back at it, and it was half an hour later. It wasn't just one of those "time flies" things, either: I loaned the book to a friend who recounted a similar experience with it.

@inkyness: the map / guide even looks like the symbol from the "Gamesters of Triskeleon" episode of Star Trek: TOS! I mean, come ON! Why wasn't this in the list?