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Wasn’t expecting this to earn anywhere near a B+ from Dowd, but I couldn’t be more pleased. Rian Johnson’s past projects have been underrated (particularly The Brother’s Bloom). Great sign for the rest of his tenure in a galaxy far, far away...

$1,200, not $12,000 which would be ridiculous even by NYC standards (not that $1,200 isn’t).

Me either. I’d probably consider it the best season of the show if she doesn’t appear at all until next season. Really, who needs such an awful bully who gets whatever she wants like a bratty toddler on a show like this?

Fuck the people who are doing this. Fuck everyone who is enabling them, and fuck everyone who has allowed it to happen through their own inaction or hand-wringing over emails and speeches. This was all avoidable. This didn’t have to be our reality. Fucking vote in 2018. Vote in 2020. Vote in 2022, Vote in 2024. If

THANK YOU for finally abandoning the conceit that this is “not a regular episode” that the three other reviewers used as an excuse for knocking off points.

While I still like all the ArrowVerse shows, Legends of Tomorrow to me has been the best & most consistent of them the last two seasons—starting, not coincidentally, with Sara becoming the captain & team leader, and Caity Lotz essentially becoming the star of the show.

Caity Lotz as Sara Lance is my favorite character in the ArrowVerse. Her awesomeness starts with how great she is in the fight scenes, but certainly goes far beyond that.

I liked The Adventues of Slade Wilson and his Zombie Ghost Girlfriend as well.

Too bad the AV Club community died on its way to its home planet. What’s left is just a few of us, stuck with oblivious, annoyingly sanctimonious millennials who’ve become “woke” overnight by reading the other Kinja sites from the comfort of their own parents’ homes, and are only here to lecture us, because we

Caitlin always had an edge to her. But not to a homicidal extent.

Exactly this. And the fact of the matter is, there is NOTHING in the PRO column for this except GOP lies.

Pai has openly criticized concerns over the death of net neutrality as “hysterical prophecies of doom.”

“Angry, confused” Trump supporters. Isn’t that a little redundant?

I love this show as much as Eleanor is boundlessly horny for Tahani.

I am extremely impressed by how The Punisher is handling its depictions of war and violence in general. And it’s actually managing to have a suitably mature discussion about the ethics of war, vigilantism, and gun violence, which is a great deal more than I expected out of this series. Color me impressed.

Not to mention making Scott Tenorman eat a bowl of chili con padre.

I trace my loss of interest directly to the switch to Hulu.

I was really enjoying Elongated Man so far this season but now the very name gives me the creeps.

Thought I posted this here, but it seems I did it on a sister site, so - uh - cross-posting?...

The people who take this show as some kind of a life-philosophy ideal with Rick at its peak are this decade’s version of the people who thought Tyler Durden was the epitome of manliness and cool.

Rick, for all his power, is a hyper-depressed alcoholic unable to find lasting joy in anything and for whom death will be a