I don’t get the grades here, to be honest.
I don’t get the grades here, to be honest.
I love The Ribos Operation and The Pirate Planet. The next three are fine, but the finale of it’s a disaster.
Warriors of the Deep wasn’t even that bad?
And they usually didn’t work out too well. I don’t think anyone holds up The Armageddon Factor or The Trial of a Time Lord as stellar examples of classic Doctor Who.
I don’t even know what that idea was, other than ‘make the show as basic as possible’.
Yeah, all the substance and weight of the good prestige shows? Nowhere to be found here.
Just a shame that McCoy didn’t get one or two more seasons. He was on a hell of a role.
We’ll never know if it really was just the weak scripts or if it was her performance until she returns to record audios in 20 years....
He’s...he’s writing all of the rest of the episodes of the Whittaker era. Oh dear.
To be fair, I can’t exactly blame him for thinking the Saward era was garbage.
Moffat’s not beyond criticism, but most of the ones that I see are just the same objectively false regurgitated nonsense. It gets annoying after awhile.
“For one shining moment, Donna Noble was the most important woman in all of creation.” Definitely written by Moffat.
Yeah, Arrow Season 6 is just the worst.
The Chang stuff was in S3. But it’s a fair point nonetheless.
True. The Nandor-Big Bang Theory joke was pure gold though.
No, you see, it’s a justified turn because monarchy is bad. That’s why this other character becoming a monarch is presented as a good thing.
Yeah, Ryan said in an interview a few years ago that he used to reign Sutter in and only use his good ideas.
Well, I’m not surprised it was nowhere to be seen. The show was on CBS, and a very slickly produced network procedural (on the surface). Thus, it was never going to gain the respect of critics the way The Wire and Breaking Bad did, no matter its merits (and I think it was incredibly good at being that network thriller …
That’s true, the first two seasons of Sons were great. What led to its downfall was that the writers didn’t build on them in satisfying ways the way The Shield did. It also helps that The Shield had the Dutch/Claudette procedural stuff, which is probably the best police procedural ever.
I get Frank’s point regarding the nuclear annihilation threat fizzling out. I’m just not sure you should construct a dramatic series that way. Being intentionally meandering and anticlimactic just...doesn’t do it for me, really, no matter how strong the performances and dialogue really are.