They might have threatened to can it if he didn’t come back. That’s my theory, anyway. He doesn’t really need to come back, but I’m glad he is anyway.
They might have threatened to can it if he didn’t come back. That’s my theory, anyway. He doesn’t really need to come back, but I’m glad he is anyway.
Yep, let’s hope he can tighten the quality (his original run was very up-and-down, his bookending seasons were great, his middle two...less so) and keep the ridiculous plotting to a minimum.
I adore S8. It’s a very love it or hate it season, it seems!
Yeah, Bidmead’s approach was pretty dry, but it also included Warriors’ Gate, which might be my favorite episode of the classic series.
It was also a very sly bit of social commentary on modern life. It uses that premise to explore how humans can come together. It’s a wonderful episode of sci-fi.
The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon, The Doctor’s Wife, A Good Man Goes to War, The Girl Who Waited, and The God Complex. Any season with that many gems in it can’t be that bad.
On the one hand, the way Classic Who did departures wasn’t enough. It seemed as if the Doctor barely cared at all sometimes. On the other, there is something melodramatic about spending an entire season of television devoted to the loss of a character who was only around for two.
Putting Graham Williams on there is bold. I really do love City of Death and The Ribos Operation.
Fair enough. I just find the long-term evolution of Clara into her own version of the Doctor more satisfying than bringing back the Daleks for the 6th time in 4 seasons.
I like It Takes You Away. Another 2 drafts and it could have been the Chibnall era’s Listen.
Yes, he’s pretty weak with plotting and structure. There’s definitely some rose-tinted glasses going on with regard to his run, it was far from perfect. But I believe that he can and will save the show from the abyss it’s gazing over right now.
Even if you dislike Kill the Moon though, you have to admit that it’s going for something and commits to it. Which can’t be said of many episodes of Doctor Who. I feel the same way about Love and Monsters, which personally I really dislike.
I think that the angry threads on Gallifrey Base were in the minority. The show received highly positive reviews under both Davies and Moffat and was generally popular with audiences.
I predict in time the Capaldi era will be looked back on as the Cartmel era of New Who.
It has David Tennant jumping from car to car to escape the Macra while ‘The Doctor Forever’ blares in the background!
Martha’s character ‘arc’ is just a mess. Which is such a shame, considering how good Smith and Jones is.
I can tolerate very high levels of dumb in Doctor Who.
I completely disagree. Outside of Time Heist, the characterization was about as good as it’s ever been. This article analyzes it really well.
I definitely prefer the Moffat era to RTD’s. I think the ‘Moffat can’t do long-form storytelling!!’ stuff only applies to S6 (and even then, it has The Doctor’s Wife. It’s not all bad). Capaldi’s first two seasons are simply the richest and most consistently great period of the show outside of Sylvester McCoy’s final…
God, Dinosaurs on a Spaceship is atrocious, in every way imaginable.