The final two seasons of Community had their problems, but at least they had the excuse that S4 was ruined by other writers. Harmon’s run this show into the ground himself.
The final two seasons of Community had their problems, but at least they had the excuse that S4 was ruined by other writers. Harmon’s run this show into the ground himself.
Yeah but even when it’s dumb (which is a lot of the time), it was in Seasons 1-3 often very clever and funny. That’s not really the case anymore. Seems like all they have now are C-tier film parodies.
Well...yeah. That’s the show. There are fun episodes and there are serious ones. Generally the ones that take the show seriously (The Girl Who Waited) are better, but not always. Robot of Sherwood isn’t shlock—there’s plenty of interesting stuff in there about which heroes are ‘real’ or not. Definitely one of Gatiss’…
But it did work. There are no three seasons in the history of Doctor Who as consistent as the Capaldi era, not even Hinchcliffe/Holmes. Easily the best stuff of Steven Moffat’s career since Press Gang.
The Simpsons wasn’t nearly as high concept, though.
His logic probably is ‘I’ve got 70 episodes to burn through, why the hell not?’
That sounds about right. Most films are neither the worst thing ever or the best thing ever.
It’s pretty hard to top reviving a dead cult sci-fi show and making it the biggest thing on British television. But It’s a Sin was great. Years and Years was pretty good. They never ended up reviewing the former.
Well, this site doesn’t acknowledge that medium much. Damn though, that show sounds right up my alley. It’s a cringe comedy and a thriller? Sounds like it could be as good as Welcome to the NHK.
Feels like Russell T. Davies playing to his strengths, really. Some of the best tv he’s made since Children of Earth.
Yeah, by the season’s end, it becomes something very interesting, and I say that as someone thoroughly burned out on superhero content. It’s not quite One Punch Man level...but it’s pretty damn good. I’m starting to think that animation is just a much better medium for superheroes.....
I was a bit surprised to see that S5 got a somewhat mixed reception. I thought it was one of the better seasons of the show.
Yeah, the surreal part of my Adventure Time re-watch last year was reading the AV Club comments and seeing how many people hated Moynihan and S6, and just wanted it to go back to its S1 days. Thank goodness they weren’t writing the show........
The thing is, though, is that this show has fulfilled that weirdness quotient. How many episodes of television have you seen like You Forgot Your Floaties or The Hall of Egress?
Could stand to be more downright weird, as well.
The Gamecube on the other hand....
That angle can easily get repetitive and dull. Let’s hope they dial back on that going forward.
I wouldn’t fight you too hard on that. Season 2 is great, and S3 has many great ones in it, I’m just not a fan of the final two.
Totally agreed, and interest in the show has dropped off big time. The first season is one of the best first seasons of any show in recent memory, though.
Totally agree. Cartoon Saloon is where Pixar was at 2 decades ago, but Pixar’s still got a consistency that other animation studios lack.