lorem ipsum

I’ve come around to the AV Club Film section’s harsh grading, even though I disagree with a lot of them. Straight A, 5/5 movies are indeed quite hard to find.

Yeah...these last few episodes of Jekyll are....something, all right.

Do I smell Baked Pears Alicia? (Those aren’t real by the way).

Ah yes, the one where Lou takes half the veal. 

I love the River Song arc (especially her final outing with Capaldi), but I like the idea of going all in on this story. I have the feeling Alex Kingston couldn’t show up all the time, after all.

In theory, it would be Trenzalore. But that’s left to subtext, not text.

All of Davies’ female companions’ stories end with romantic entanglements. Amy’s Choice specifically pushes back against that. The God Complex ends with the Doctor shattering Amy’s hero-worship of him, and giving Amy and Rory lives outside of him so as to avoid what Sarah Jane accused him of in School Reunion.

A Good Man Goes to War also exists, of which the entire point is why the Doctor should never be hero-worshipped. Pretty much all of S6, now that I think about it.

Book 3 of Korra was excellent, though. But yeah, other animated shows captured the Avatar spirit more.

Book 2 is the worst season that they’ve ever come up with.

It’s kinda weird to do that for Superman. Who thinks ‘somber’ when they think of the character? Besides Zack Snyder, that is.

I completely agree with this. It has some problems here and there, but The Return of the King bowls me over every time.

DS9 is terrific. And to be fair, TNG did come into its own once it fell into the hands of Michael Piller and co.

Yes, completely agree.

And it’s also her fault for letting Mr. Johnson shoot a movie from a first draft. Even high school English essays get more than one...........

I think Rise of Skywalker has to take the crown for shittiest Star Wars film. It barely even qualifies as a movie.

Yeah, that is what happens when you discard all narrative logic and coherent world-building just to remake the original Star Wars. Are we really surprised that the rest of it turned out the way it did?

If only Rebels had been more like that more often.

Did you just put Beverly Hills Cop over Return of the King?

Yes. But where’s Tartakovsky’s version? Taken as a whole it’s far superior to the 2008 series.