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Interesting. Was hoping it would be another Pixar gem in the vein of Inside Out, but I’m still looking forward to it.

The last network show that I loved was Person of Interest. The networks have really gone downhill.

I hope we get an anime version of Westworld at some point, then...

I remember that Kubrick consulted computer scientists at the time while making 2001, who predicted a HAL-9000 type AI would be a reality in a couple decades. So much for that.

It was a rather limited conception of the afterlife, I think.

His original death was....9 years ago. Damn.

It.....was incredible. What a great way to send off Marceline and PB—the show really let Marcy out of the spotlight in its later seasons, but she was back at her best here. 

Loved it. This is the real final season to me (Season 10 wasn’t bad at all, just not the final season buildup one would expect). The show is somehow as great as ever.

It left me wanting more too, because the world Adventure Time created is so rich that the series has quite literally an infinite amount of potential. I’m so glad we’re getting more.

He blew it, sadly. Maybe he’ll have a happy ending with Huntress Wizard in Together Again?

I’m incredibly excited for this. More Adventure Time=good.

Good idea. Too bad it’s not on Netflix anymore.

Glad Archer still has some life left in it.

Babylon 5 modern revival please. Way back when you said that B5 was one of the only two shows to really get sc-fi right on tv. Now there’s a third (The Expanse)...but man, how awesome would it be to get more stories in the B5 universe?

It’s the only new Trek show that I’m looking forward to going forward. They really turned it around.

It was really good, and got much better as it went along. I liked it a lot.

Exactly what I didn’t want to hear. Thanks for the straightforward headline Zack.

Also, Legion had nothing to say.

Someone had to bring it up.

I don’t agree with that, but the point remains that Netflix should never have cancelled their best show. Ludicrous decision.