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This is extremely sad. He was a terrific actor who brought a lot to DS9. I think Ill re-watch Its Only a Paper Moon in his honor.

Maybe it will be a worthy successor to Futurama after all.

Maybe it will be a worthy successor to Futurama after all.

Unfortunate-I would really like to see a good series about Occupied Poland.

It is a very impressive flop. 

I feel the same way.

I forgot Tennant also filmed the US remake of Broadchurch, Gracepoint. I should have said ‘police dramas’. Apparently he was also in a BBC series called Spies of Warsaw. That sounds pretty damn cool.

When you watch Dunkirk, it feels like you’re on that beach (minus the fact that it doesn’t look like there’s 400,000 men there).

The Dark Knight had some pretty compelling ideas-at least in the way it conveyed them. Interstellar’s message could have worked if it was conveyed better or done with a lighter touch-most philosophical ideas have already been thought of by philosophers, after all.

The Prestige and Memento were tied for me. Until Dunkirk came along, that is. Dunkirk is a masterpiece-and one of the decade’s very best.

I can’t wait to see this either. It’s been a pretty great decade for sci-fi films, hasn’t it?

They probably cancelled it because no one was watching. This season has garnered lower ratings than The Americans. AMC would probably keep it around if it had some serious critical acclaim behind it-that would bring them prestige, and potentially, more viewers in the future. But it doesn’t, so.......

You’re right. I think it either should have been a historical show about the internment camps, or a Japanese-inspired horror show. Not both. 

Sometimes they also give him a heart condition or some other serious health problem.

Another procedural with David Tennant? Ok.

I think between that and his controversial foreign policy, views of him have become much more......mixed, to say the least.

They were pretty much the only site covering it. Now, well, there’s this: https://adventuretimereviewed.wordpress.com/ . At the time though, it looked like they were leaving us in the cold. They could have at least thrown up a discussion board or something-it would have gotten a lot of clicks.

They tried to cancel Adventure Time. Never forget!

Are they even covering any cartoons at this point besides Steven Universe? AV Club readers who like cartoons are out of luck.....

Great finale! Unfortunate that the AV Club is dropping coverage, but I’m pretty surprised they covered Duck Tales at at all.