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He was well-performed and compelling in theory, but the pacing for the season was just off, and it languished for too long on the new team, which I don’t care for. Some of the show’s best episodes and moments, but it didn’t quite come together. 

Emiko’s plot fell utterly flat. Her character is poorly defined and not compelling, and her plan is not interesting or exciting. As soon as that ended, however, this episode became much, much better. This season was better than the last, but it still pales in comparison to the first two seasons. I think it’s due to

Liz Tells Frank has a very helpful one. I’d recommend someone to just watch the mythology episodes up to Season 5, then just watch the good standalones.

Show-running is an extremely demanding, draining job-especially for a show as popular, expensive, and complex as this one (The rest of the cast and crew also worked extremely hard). D&D first pitched the show to HBO back in 2006, so they’ve spent well over a decade of their lives doing almost nothing but Game of

At least The X-Files had many, many great standalone episodes. So even though a viewer might know that the over-arching story will be a let-down, there’s still a large chunk of the show that can be enjoyed on re-watch anyway.

Well a good fit because Star Wars is far more simplistic than early Game of Thrones. Which is what the show has become over time. I’m not a big Star Wars fan, but I can see how it might play to their strengths.

I think the writers are just done at this point. The cast and crew are giving it their all, but the scripts just aren’t that strong.

Actually I feel like theyre a good fit for Star Wars.

So it’s not as good as the first two, but still good? I’m fine with that-happens all the time to trilogies.

They really, really nailed it. Probably my biggest disagreement with one of Latoya’s reviews (which I usually agree with 100%).

They really, really nailed it. Probably my biggest disagreement with one of Latoya’s reviews (which I usually agree with 100%).

Which is not to say MeToo or the ideas behind it are ever not relevant (they always are), but I felt Bojack executed similar ideas in a much more interesting and insightful manner.

Actually, I thought the MeToo episode didn’t quite strike the same balance as “Moo Moo”, which is one of the best episodes of the series. Might not have been helped by the fact that other shows (well, just one: Bojack) kind of beat them to the punch on that one.

Yeah, I’ve been waiting for some top-notch B99. Leave it to the Halloween episode to finally deliver. Can’t really think of another classic episode in this season, but it’s in its sixth season and season 5 was really great, so, whatever.

Yeah that makes sense. Personally though, I can stand the so-so plot to see what happens to the characters.

Yes, but you made it sound like you were still enjoying parts of it. 

May as well finish it if you’ve come this far, no?

I am in agreement with you there. Her blindly serving Octavia is not interesting.

They haven’t really given Niylah anything to do recently, have they?

This should have been an awesome season, easily. Seasons 2-4 also should have been awesome. Ultimately, I think it’s down to either a lack of ideas or the fact that the show just can’t handle 22/23 episodes a season.