Right? I don't understand what everyone (like the last 5 guys who were omg-so-in-love with her) see in her. She's kinda mousy and normal looking.
Right? I don't understand what everyone (like the last 5 guys who were omg-so-in-love with her) see in her. She's kinda mousy and normal looking.
I understand that time have changed, but I don't think it's necessarily a good change. On one hand, we're making fun of helicopter parents and college kids who have their parents complain to their professors for them, but then we're arresting parents for letting kids walk to the park on their own. I don't disagree…
I didn't have a cell phone until I was in college. It's totally not necessary, even though I understand how a parent COULD think that their kids are safer with one.
No way. Prove the causation, come on.
Seven seems a little young (I think I remember 4th grade as being the magic year that I was allowed to wander around the neighborhood with reckless abandon), but this is SO, SO crazy. Arresting someone for making a somewhat questionable (maybe?) parenting decision is silly. The world is safer today than it was when…
Hahahahahhhahaah, why?
Reasons Why I Didn't See This Movie:
Most mannequins are in the smallest sizes available at a store, and then further pinned (because the smallest sizes are too big for the mannequins). At least that's how it works at Banana Republic. Isn't it MORE unrealistic to pretend that having the proportions of a mannequin wouldn't likely result in some visible…
I think I just felt myself becoming a woman.
I'm always interested in these - they're all this sort of pseudo spontaneous thing -the Sarah Jessica Parker one was similar.
Aviva, I hate every minute that you're on my screen, and I sincerely hope you are fired after this season, but Tuesday night might make it all worthwhile. I CANNOT WAIT. Buying wine now!
Holy shit, the J Peterman catalog is real. And the writing is as awesome as it was portrayed on Seinfeld. AND THEY HAVE CAFTANS! Thank you!
WHERE DO I BUY ONE? Seriously, though, where? Whenever I look for them online, they are either see-through beach cover ups, or legit fancy dresses. I WANT TO LIVE A LIFE OF HOMEBOUND LUXURY.
I have no problem calling her fat - as you pointed out yourself, she calls herself fat. I have a problem with the idea that she is offered up as proof as there being NO SUCH THING as too fat to run. That's like pointing at Hilary Clinton and saying there is no such thing as too old to be secretary of state. Sure,…
Here's some analogies:
"Here's proof that there's no such thing as too fat to run" as the headline about a woman who is a UK size 18. How is a woman who is a UK size 18 "proof" that there is "no such thing" as too fat to run? She is proof that someone who is pretty overweight , but not SUPER DUPER OBESE, is not too fat to run. Maybe if…
I know you kind of back out of it at the end, but are we really saying that this woman is SO GARGANTUALLY FAT that she encompasses the entire sphere of "fat people" and, since she can run, she proves that there can be no one "too fat" to run. It's totally insulting to her, and totally untrue.
I don't see how that's disturbing - I think the alternative would be calling her a liar.