
Even if you assume that all dogs are equally likely to be aggressive, consider the results of that aggression. Give me an asshole pug rather than an asshole pit.

Sure. A chihuahua could have caused those injuries. If you can find ANY instance where a chihuahua caused injuries like that, I'll give you a million dollars. Come on. Would you rather your child be attacked by a chihuahua or a pit bull? I don't think you would hesitate too long.

My dog, a chihuahua mix, is well trained and has never been aggressive. But I wouldn't be so stupid as to say he would NEVER attack anyone or bite anyone. He's a dog. And I'd rather take my chances with him than a pit bull.

That's absolutely not true. You can't assume ANY dog "will not attack anyone." They are still animals. The difference is that a "bad day" with a chihuahua is going to have a totally different outcome than a "bad day" with a pit bull.

I know - I feel like pit bull owners are also the most judgmental of people interacting with their dogs. "You stood to close to him! You moved too quickly! You talked with your deep voice!" How about having a dog that isn't going to attack a person for acting like a human being?

Those three pit bulls burst into the little girl's grandfather's trailer, she wasn't left alone with them because of bad parenting choices. And, I'm sorry, I would leave a child alone with my 8 pound mutt over a pit bull ANY DAY of the week, no matter how "well trained" the owners of the dog said they were. Because

And how many people do they kill/seriously injure? I'll take a bite from a beagle over a pit bull.

But until we have some sort of a test/training requirement before you're allowed to own a dog, I'm still going to be more concerned with my (little) dog around a pitbull than another little guy.

This is your personal issues, fine, I hope your husband respects your wishes. But it's still not that big of a deal to the rest of us.

Not really.

I tend to agree. The pro-pit bull people are SO quick to point out that "It's not about the breed! It's about the owner!" until they are publicizing statistics about how little dogs are more likely to bite (of course, not KILL or seriously injure) people - then we can make all sorts of generalizations about how

Yeah, maybe Illinois is a weird anomaly but I thought that "sweatshops" were where they made sweatpants until well into my high school years.

I really can't wait for that stupid spam account to win "best story" when the Pissing Contest question is about how much money you made last week.

Oh, come on.

I feel like there are just as many not cool kids from high school, though, who still haven't come close to "peaking." Sometimes socially awkward kids are just socially awkward people. And sometimes "cool" kids (the subgroup of cool kids that were popular and friendly and nice to everyone, not the cool kids who were

Yeah, my physical aversion to their physicality doesn't take away from sympathy for them - because it's all the fault of people who breed them and people who buy them.

Am I the only one who things pugs are the grossest/ugliest dogs? (I have a chihuahua mix, so I know how annoyed I get when people make blanket accusations about a dog's looks/yappiness/etc). But, seriously, has anyone ever met a pug that didn't snort and choke on their own BREATHING and just all together look like a

Unlike models, who I actually do think work pretty darn hard, I think the vast majority of bloggers in general don't work that hard at the end of the day (but it doesn't keep them from complaining about having answer emails for a couple of hours a day - the horror!).

Pretty sure Dooce is doing just fine for herself. She still lives in a house, last I checked.