
Surely there is some White Power comedy-talk show out there that we are, blissfully, unaware of at this time. At the rate things are going with this normalization of this bullshit, that show will pick up a slot on one of the main networks any day now. And Bingo! Trump will have a place to appear “relatable” to the

Trump will appear on any network that compliments him.

The worst part is....yeah that trolling works on less informed liberals. It’s how Hillary was successfully painted as a massive warmonger when she was running against TRUMP who is fine with nuking people.

Lol so you think those drones are going somewhere?

I completely agree. To be gracious is one thing, but to hand over your weapon to someone who intends to rob, rape and murder you is another. Because that is what this is. The Republicans who have power now are extremists. Their vision of the US is of pre 1600's. No public schools, debtors prisons, poor houses, work

The more we hear of what the Republicans have planned, the more I’m reminded of one of the last things said by Hijikata Toshizō near the end of the Meiji Restoration... He knew at that point that their war was hopeless, but asked what history would say of the Tokugawa Shogunate if nobody fought to defend it. Even

Yeah, my one solace since the election is laughing at all the haters who declared Obama to be the “worst President of their lives”* Pretty sure the worst is yet to come.

He just went on CNN and discussed how the Birther madness hindered him. I’m not sure what white more white progressives want from other than to be shot in the name of their cause.

If he looks any better, he’ll be the first non-Catholic saint.


The reign of President Amygdala is going to be exhausting.

Hell, Dubya’s gonna look like a fucking genius after 4 years of Trump.

Hey, not from me! I love Trevor Noah! I can’t wait to see this!

*Shockingly,* despite Trevor’s initially shaky performance, he is gradually improving as he gets more comfortable and gets a better sense of his own strengths. Who woulda thunk it! Such a bizarre thing, for a new late night host to require many months of practice before he gets his sea legs...

Though it’s en vogue to hate on Trevor, I think he is so much more intelligent and thoughtful than anyone gives him credit for. I think he’ll do a great job.

Replace Jimmy Fallon with Obama.

Ooooh! I’m excited for this! I know Trevor gets a lot of flack on here, but he’s been really good lately.

And he really was, not since Truman or FDR have we had a President that was this paternal.

We really need one last reassuring talk from President Dad.

Obama has class.