
I live where it’s flat. Never have to touch the brake when I take off from a stop.

Nah Ford went there. I’m just the messenger.

No I wouldn’t because the Everest is so much nothing to me I wouldn’t have even noticed. I don’t have any Ford loyalty. But when they release these aggro voltron tacticool looking pieces of shit, I do remark. Seeing their tasteless shit on the road is just... so sad.

We think alike. :) star for you

I love the idea that if the greys left someone would care. We already don’t care that’s why you’re still grey lol.

What is dead may never die.

Rest In Peace, Macie. My sincerest condolences. Her death has impacted one of my closest friend’s family, and this post was extremely touching. Thank you. 

You do know one foot is on the clutch and one is on the gas in that maneuver? Where’s that third foot on the brake from?

Every truck related thing Ford puts out these days looks like a lego version of something a nazi child dreamed up.

Did you even read the article?

This is a wonderful post, very underrated and highly relatable to me. 

Can you imagine if they’d kept Buell alive, gave them electric treatment and billed themselves as the all American Tesla of streetbike fighters. And sold it for a reasonable price?

I understand. And you’re right it’s an awful term. With my pithy Internet comment I didn’t make an important distinction. I was referring to all these old white patriarchy lovers wishing for the monarchy, putting up statues to their dead and gone racist daddies.

Why are you in the greys!

It’s funny to me the things we uphold in America. I grew up in New Orleans where the fluer-de-lis (commonly used as the symbol of French monarchy) is used so much it’s basically at the point of fetishization. When I was a teenager, my mom had some friends from France in town, and they could not believe all the French

This is how I view all early access games. Won’t touch then until they have a release candidate. 

The sad thing is, it’s something else I don’t agree with. We’re most likely just going to move further into the surveillance state end of things and every infraction will be enforced using a network of cameras. Places like South Korea and Dubai have already been doing this for a while. 

There are also less laws overall, less signage and infrastructure and less drivers education. All of these things contribute to what you’re talking about, and have zero to do with the policing aspect of it.

It was just a bad joke. 

I punch out holes in paper.