
Way to conflate “end traffic stops” with “disbanding police.” Fuck outta here. 

Man what the fuck are you talking about. The idea of traffic stops are regressive. Their cousin, the high speed pursuit, is looked at with horror in other countries as a uniquely American Wild West ass way to nab speeders/ other crime committers. The idea we just have thousands of police lurking on the side of the

Yeah used car lot was the bomb.

People of Richmond, look to Bristol for your solution. 

The dude is a hero. Not the hero we expected but the hero we needed.

The only place the Confederate flag belongs is the Failed Governments exhibit in the Museum of Poor Ideas.

Police are just the modern day Catholic Church of New Abuse. 

So you’re saying that they’re terrorists who were taking orders from a chain of terrorist command. Cool, got it.

Found the “all lives matter” commenter.

I’m dumb please school me. Why are we describing JK Rowling as a man? (This is not a disingenuous question but real curiosity. Thanks in advance!)

For real! 

Phrasing like that is why I’m here.

Now let’s get the confederate iconography out of the Capitol.

A kegel.


It looks like he’s never held any book ever, and doesn’t know which end is for what.

I believe it’s 6 cylinders per bank with 3 banks, hence the W designation over V.

They won so long ago...

Yeah because responding to hundreds of years of state sanctioned terror and brutality is somehow terrorism. Call it rebellion, sure. But if you’re condemning people fighting back against an apartheid state, you’re one of the fascists. 

And what you described right there is the racist system working as designed.