

This country, the most successful country in history, was founded on bloody insurrection to oppose totalitarian rule. How’s that for success? 

They definitely cost too much to be running V6 hybrids. If they must cost hundreds of millions, bring back bespoke power plants. 

Oh good! :) sorry it broke :/ 

And for them to track you if it was hooked up the rest of the time. 

My apologies. I really did read it like 4 times this morning and still didn’t see it. I’m blind, carry on with the excellent work. 

I like yours better.

The man is clearly a saint.

Yeah my same thought. I thought it would have read better as:

They’re tired of the establishment that they feel sold their future and feel like Biden is more of the same?

Or did you just describe the most American thing ever?

Maybe I missed it but where does Gym 1 fall on this list?

Actually you’re right. Give it a shot just to critique it, but you’re pretty much spot on with the summary. 

And it sucks. :(

Anyone arguing that Trump and Co. aren’t nazi adjacent fascist white supremacists needs to open their eyes to these statistics.

You missed my other comment where I said “fuck this dead old lady.” But, that doesn’t mean I don’t think she had a right to abortion.

Any white person telling anyone they’re not what they identify as should be slapped. 

Biden is not left wing trump. He is lukewarm bath water.

Whether Jane Roe is a “good person” or a con artist who spent her life spouting lines penned by fame-seeking people on whatever side was offering money and attention, she should have been able to have her abortion.”

The fake engine note was bad, but the fake tire squeals for 8 minutes were unforgivable.