
I think my favorite part of this episode was Simmons trying to defend the repression box as being a good system. The rest of their argument in the containment unit, some of which I had to use subtitles to actually understand was pretty great too.

Yeah it was the beetle stuff.

Agreed about how nice it was having the callbacks, especially now so near the end - I’d have given the episode an A based on the fact that someone said BLAM! alone.

White Josh is probably so used to being the ripped person in the room, so I giggled when Josh’s retort really did seem like an unexpected instance of the I’m-the-fit-hot-guy-in-here air being taken out of him

Hmmm... I dunno. I was half-expecting their four season ‘grand plan’ was going to build to a significant dramatic conclusion. Instead they’re focusing more on inside jokes, fan servicing, throwing in small indications that Rebecca’s going to be okay. They still have time to do the dramatic finale but will they?

I knew that was how her storyline would end since last episode, but it was still so delightful to see.

They are all beautiful. Of the women, Rachel Bloom is still my favourite, though. She has this weird manic energy that she can sometimes channel and I swear it’s the most unnervengly attractive thing I’ve ever witnessed.

Four seasons and a live musical!

If they write it correctly, Rebecca should end up happy by herself, and in herself and because of that, have a healthy romantic relationship because it works for the right reasons. 

I kinda liked the nod to the one guy complaining about the “Cutable, forgettable character song,” because I never remember his name or what his purpose is on this show.

I should also say that I’ve never been a Grebecca shipper, so it’s not tied up in that. She and Nathaniel are my OTP.

Sorry, still not sold on Nu-Greg. He still just doesn’t feel like Greg to me. The only glimpses I’ve felt like I’ve had of actual Greg were the songs “I Hate Everything But You” and the “Hey West Covina” reprise. And they had nothing to do with Skyler Astin’s performance, they were the songs - they felt like Greg

So Rebecca is going to become a songwriter, right?

“You got all that out of ‘Apple Man’?”

Paula and Valencia’s girlfriend’s horrified looks during the “pirate king kidnapped and forcibly married me” song killed me. Great critique of all those old Carousel songs that are just like, cheery descriptions of domestic abuse.

Part of me wants Rebecca to end up happy by herself, because that would feel very fulfilling, but on the other hand she so wishes to have a healthy romantic relationship that I want that for her, and if she doesn’t take Nathaniel I’ll have to do a Crazy Ex-Girlfriend move, insert myself in my piece of pop culture and

I’m starting to think perhaps the end game is Rebecca setting up a musical theatre company, troupe or whatever you would call it. Perhaps with a particular outreach to people with mental illness as a kind of art therapy thing.


Would you suggest that Ravi is, perhaps, “the best”?

Ravi was, as always, awesome. That is all.